twenty two

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harry woke up to a bright room and a warm body beside him. a silent yawn left the small boy's mouth, his green eyes fluttering open to be met with a head of feathery hair.

a smile crawled onto his lips as he remembered everything that happened last night. harry felt louis shift beside him and his smile only grew as he stared into the beautiful blue eyes he grew to love. "morning, loulou," the boy whispered softly.

"good morning, darling," louis smiled, bringing a hand up to caress his boyfriend's cheek. "i love you," he added happily, feeling as if he was never going to get tired of saying those three words to the green eyed boy.

blood rushed up to harry's cheeks and a few giggles slipped out his mouth as he batted his lashes. "i love you, too," he replied quietly and looked up at louis through his lashes.

louis hummed, leaning down to press his lips against harry's, the younger of the two kissing back softly. the older boy caressed harry's cheek and pulled away, smiling at his boy and pecked his lips. "you're so beautiful," louis whispered, "i really am the luckiest person alive."

♡ ♡

it was the afternoon and the couple was cuddled up on the couch watching tarzan when someone opened the door and louis sat up in alarm, but then a familiar voice was heard. "you arse, i'm home!" zayn yelled and walked into the living room, his eyes widening when he saw harry and waved at them. "hey haz, you look nice," he smiled.

harry grinned and waved excitedly as he stood up and went to hug zayn. "hi, zayn, haven't seen you in a while," the small boy murmured before pulling away. louis stood up and rolled his eyes fondly at his best friend. "oi, dickhead," louis grinned and patted zayn on the back before looking at harry and smiled.

as much as he didn't want to leave, harry decided it was his time to go home to let the two friends catch up. he silently went up to louis' room, changing into his jeans from the night before and stayed in the jumper louis let him use to sleep in.

he slipped on his shoes and entered the living room, clearing his throat to make his presence known. "i think i'm going to head home now," he smiled and walked forward, giving zayn another hug and pecked louis' lips, "i love you," he whispered happily and stood up. "stay, you don't have a ride home," louis pouted and stood up to pull his boyfriend in for a hug.

"it's okay, loulou," harry giggled and shook his head, "you have to catch up with zayn, we'll hang out soon," he smiled and pecked his lips again. louis bit down on his lip in hesitation, not wanting to let his boyfriend walk home alone, "i don't know, baby. i don't want you walking home alone."

zayn was watching the couple interact and smiled, noticing how much louis cared for harry. "it's alright mate, let's go drop him off and then you have to buy me an ice cream because i drove all the way here to see you," he joked and stood up. "are you sure?" both louis and harry asked in sync. zayn just chuckled and nodded before he walked out the house, louis and harry behind him. "i'm so sorry for interrupting your time with zayn," the curly haired boy mumbled shyly.

"don't apologize, darling. zayn doesn't mind at all," louis assured, opening the passenger door for harry and shut it closed once the curly haired boy was in.

the car was parked in front of harry's house ten minutes later and zayn moved to the passenger seat when the younger boy hopped out along with louis who followed him up to the front door. "i'll see you later, loulou," harry smiled, biting his lip to keep it from growing. "of course you will," louis chuckled and gently gripped harry's chin, tipping it upwards and pecked the smaller boy's lips.

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