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come, take my hand

"how was your date?" was the first thing niall said when harry hopped into his old pick up truck. "it was amazing," harry sighed with a dreamy smile, a small blush rising on his cheeks. "what'd you do?" the boy with the fading blond hair asked as he began to drive.

"we went ice skating and then went to dinner at a waffle house," harry gave minor details as he put his hair up in a bun. "and?" niall pushed with a cheeky smile. "and i'll tell you more later," harry giggled at his friend. "liam's at school already?"

"yeah, had to make up some assignment so he went to school early," the irish teen shrugged. harry hummed as he looked out the window and pulled at the long sleeves of his baby pink sweater.

about ten minutes later they arrived to school, or 'prison' as niall describes it. "i really don't like these kids," niall muttered as the two got out his car to see the few kids hanging outside, harry wondering how the few kids wearing short sleeves weren't freezing. "but you don't know most of them ni."

"doesn't matter, bet you most of 'em are arses," the fading blond shrugged, sticking his hands in the pockets of his jean jacket. the two friends walked to their lockers that were just a few down from each other and took out their books for spanish.

"i don't think i'll dye my hair again, might just leave it brown," niall said, running his hand through his hair, his brown roots almost taking over the fading blond. "hmm..i think it'll look good," harry smiled as he glanced at niall's head and back down at his book.

"thanks haz," niall grinned and slammed his locker shut, startling the smaller boy a bit. "so are you gonna tell me more?" he pressed with a teasing smile. "don't you think li would want to know too?" the emerald eyed boy asked and closed his book.

"i guess," niall shrugged and slid down to the grown, sitting indian style. harry glanced down at his blue eyed friend and copied his actions, crossing his legs and played with the laces of his vans.

"hey guys!" liam spoke as he jogged towards his friends and ignored the looks from the few dead-looking teachers walking around with stacks of paper. "about time! hurry and sit so our little harry can tell us all about his date with louis," niall patted the floor before turning to look at the curly haired boy and wiggled his eyebrows up and down.

"oh yeah! how was it hazza?" liam had a soft smile on his lips as he sat beside the blond who eagerly brought him down. "why don't you start now?" the fake blond leaned his cheek on the palm of his hand and waited for the doe eyed boy to speak. "what do you want to know?" he mumbled loud enough for them to hear. "ever-"

"just tell us what you want us to know," liam cut niall off and set his hand on the irish lad's shoulder. "okay.. we went ice skating first and it was a lot of fun!" harry exclaimed, "after that we went to the waffle house a few minutes away and they had some amazing waffles, the funny thing is-" harry paused as giggles escaped his plump lips, "louis ordered pancakes!" liam and niall glanced at each other before shrugging and let the younger boy be.

harry told his friends about his magical night on saturday and he smiled wide, a small blush on his cheeks when he told them how they ended the night.

"good morning," a raspy voice harry has been wanting to hear was heard above them. harry looked up into bright blue eyes and there stood louis with a fond look wearing a red sweater, his usual black skinny jeans, vans similar to harry's, and some of his chestnut brown hair poking out of the black beanie covering it. harry smiled widely with pink cheeks and made a moved to stand but was stopped when the older of the two reached his hand down to stop him.

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