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louis felt a type of relief when he stepped into school. the three days he was suspended felt like forever, and finally he returned to his friends, especially harry.

it wasn't hard to find the two boys who he now considers friends. "hey lads," the blue eyed boy greeted with a smile and he took notice of liam and niall's interlocked hands, "what'd i miss?" he joked.

"we're officially a couple," niall almost squealed and liam shrugged when louis gave him a look. "i asked him to be my boyfriend yesterday night," liam explained with red cheeks and looked down shyly. "isn't he just the cutest?" niall gushed and pinched the brown eyed boy's cheeks.

"i'm gone for three days and i come back to a whole new world," louis tsked playfully, "but congratulations. where's harry?"

"he hasn't arrived yet," niall answered and louis hummed in response. "does he know yet?" liam shook his head before answering the older boy, "no, we're telling him once he gets here."

louis was about to respond when a teenage boy he's never seen before came up to him and patted him on the shoulder, "oi, tommo, i heard about whatcha did to rex! i knew he was gonna get it some day," the teenager muttered the last bit to himself before walking away.

"what? does everyone know?" louis' brows furrowed in confusion and he almost groaned from frustration. he only wanted to come back to his boyfriend and friends, in peace, not this. what did he expect though? he did get into a fight a few days ago with one of the biggest jerks in school and it shouldn't be a surprise that some student lingering around may have recorded it.

he must've been to busy handling rex to notice if anyone was in the hall. just then, a pair of arms were wrapped around him and the familiar scent of peaches with a hint of honey was all he could smell. harry harry harry.

"hi, darling," louis grinned and leaned down to peck harry's lips before pulling away to get a better look of his boyfriend when he noticed that the curly haired boy was wearing his red hoodie and it made him happier to know that. it was a way to let everyone know that harry was his and he loved it.

"i'm so happy you're finally back," the green eyed boy smiled warmly before turning to greet his friends, but stopped when he saw the looks on their faces. "hey haz, we're together now," niall announced with a cheesy smile and held up his hand that held liam's.

"ah, finally!" harry squealed before throwing himself into a hug with liam and niall, "i was wondering when it'd finally happen."

louis chuckled before wrapping and arm around the smaller boy's waist and pulled him to his side. "nice jumper, h," liam complimented with a smile as he went to hug something out of his bag and niall bursted into a fit of giggles.

"red's a nice color on you," the irish brunette smiled cheekily pointing out the color that filled harry's cheeks. "leave him alone," liam said in a muffled voice as he tried to hide a few giggles by covering his mouth.

"why do you keep attacking my baby?" louis spoke out with a dramatic voice and a playful pout on his thin lips. "you're the one who's embarrassing him a bit more!" niall laughed loudly and frowned when the bell rang, "c'mon, this hell hole started." niall turned and pecked liam on the lips before the brown eyed boy was running to class to avoid being late.

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