Watch your step - Loki Love story

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 2019 edit: Hello, everyone! Thank you for showing interest in this story, but, as you start to delve into this adventure, allow me to bring a little author's note to you: Please keep in mind that this story had originally been written in 2012-ish, when only the first Thor movie had come out and it is based ENTIRELY on the facts in the MCU, not mythology related. Some of the jokes might not make sense now anymore, some of the plot might be infantile or whatever you will, but it was the biggest literary accomplishment for what was once a young high-school kid with hope in her eyes and a desire to once become a published author. I keep this story up because although you might find a lot to critique about it, it was my first attempt and as stupid as you might consider it, I'm proud of it. So keep that in mind as you read. Thank you! 💗

Watch your step - A Loki x Blind!OC story

Summary: Having lost her sight during the New York attack, a young girl deals with living in large city. Returning home one evening, she bumps into a stranger. 

She was walking down the sidewalk, moving her walking stick in front of her to ensure that she wasn't going to  bump into something or fall into a hole (not that it would be the first time it happened, anyways). She sighed  lightly, feeling the chill evening breeze play in her hair. Pulling her jacket closer, suddenly her walking stick  slipped, causing her to stop dead in her tracks. Listening closely, she tried to figure where it had fallen before  she turned to the right, took a step and instead of bending down, she bumped into something. 

Or...someone. From what she could sense, a tall person was standing right in front of her. She assumed she  had bumped into their back because she felt movement as soon as she touched them as then she almost  immediately fell down on her bum. She was unsure and confused. She didn't know whether the person pushed  her intentionally or she fell because of the swift movement, but either way, she gasped when she touched the  ground, cursing out loud. 

"Puny creature, how dare you bump into me on the streets? Watch your step." a deep, smooth slightly  English-accented voice boomed from above her. She could sense the anger and she winced slightly before  regaining her composure and usual wittiness.

"Hah. If only it was that easy. You see, I can't exactly watch my step." she hissed through her teeth, pointing  towards her eyes before her hands started palming the ground around her. She made a slight 'Ew' sound when  her hand touched a gum and she let an exasperated sigh, starting to sit up. 

"Have you seen my walking stick?" she dusted off her tush, continuing to mumble. Seeing that he didn't  answer, she moved a hand forward, looking for him. She felt the silky material of what she supposed it was a  scarf so she kept talking. 

"Are you deaf or what? Did you see where my walking stick flew?" she asked, a bit angered, hoping that she  wouldn't have to make her way home without it. 

"Walking....stick?" he questioned, slightly amused at her reaction, surprisingly, even for him, not pushing her away as she gripped his scarf.

"Umm, yea, you know. White stick with a red handle that blind people use when walking? It kinda fell. That's why I bumped into you. I was looking for it. Can you tell me where it is?" she asked, bored and slightly pissed.

"Well, yes. It happens to be in the middle of the street." he answered, fighting back a chuckle at the expression on her face changed to one of outer shock.

"No no no no. Please no. Tell me there are no cars coming its ... " a loud crack noise interrupted her and she facepalmed before continuing. "....way."  He simply chuckled, growing more amused by the second. Which only infuriated her further. Did he not understand the situation?!

"This is not funny, ok? I don't care who you think you are but laughing at a disabled person is wrong. I needed  that goddamn stick to walk home. Now I will have to blindly find my way back. And I'm cold. And it's late.  Keep laughing!" she huffed, her face red with anger and frustration as she folded her arms, accidentally pulling  on the scarf more. 

He stepped closer, grabbing her hand that held the scarf to pull it free. Flicking his fingers, the air around  them suddenly got colder and she pulled away.

"Ugh, what are you doing? Let go of my hand and tell m-.." her voice caught up when she felt him forcing her  palm open as he pressed something into her hand. 

"W-what's this?" she raised her other hand and felt the object, soon realizing that it was another walking  stick. "How did you?!" she inquired, extending it to test it on the pavement. It was very similar to her old one. 

"Is it the same one? It kinda feels lighter..." she whispered, inspecting it with her fingers. "What colour is it  here? Still red?"she asked, palming the handle.

"It's green with a golden stripe." he finally answered her before taking another step and placing something  around her neck. Raising one hand, she felt the same material as the one of his scarf.

"What are you doing?" she asked yet again, extending the same hand, trying to touch him, for emphasis. She  found his face and although he flinched slightly, she traced his jawline, lips and nose. 

"You're handsome." she grinned widely, without knowing, causing the same reaction on him. 

"And you're pretty, you little angry minx." he whispered somewhat seductively, catching her hand and kissing  her knuckles. "You're welcome, by the way."

"Oh. Yea. Thank you. I should...I should head home. Thank you for the stick, Mister." she released the breath  she hadn't realized she was holding before taking her hand back. Turning to the left, she opened her mouth to  say her goodbyes, only to feel two strong arms grip both of her shoulders, turning her to 180 degrees. 

"You were walking that way." he whispered in her ear, slightly pushing her forward.

"Ugh. Thank you again." she muttered, putting her stick to the ground and proceeding to move forward. 

She wanted to say goodbye, but she soon felt that one hand moved to her back, resting between her shoulder  blades as he walked with her.

"What are you doing?" she inquired, for the billionth time that evening, looking up into the general direction of  where she expected him to be. 

"Walking you home. I believe you mentioned it being too late and too cold?" he answered, tugging slightly at  the scarf tightly tucked around her neck.

"You don't have to..."

"Yes, I do. You seem an intriguing little thing." a smile she could not see spread on his features as he saw her  grimace at his words.

"I'm a person, not a thing." she mumbled, slightly wiggling her shoulders in an attempt to push him off.

"Shhh." he breathed a bit too close for her to feel comfortable as he pressed his hand harder to her back.

"By the way. Where did you get this cane from?" she scooped it up, almost hitting him with it as she stopped,  upon declaring that they have reached their destination. 

"Magic." he whispered and she suddenly didn't feel his presence anymore. She turned around a couple of  times, hoping she would accidentally hit him and see whether he was there or not, but nothing happened.

"Well....goodbye.." she shrugged and made her way to the front door. Pushing it open, she thought she heard  a light chuckle. "Weirdo." she whispered before getting inside and locking the door. 

Watch your step -  Loki Love storyWhere stories live. Discover now