The Misadventures - The things you are to me

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Very important. The Misadventures is just an extended ending to the actual story. It shows pieces of their live together as a couple and doesn't flow like the chapters before. I'm sorry I forgot to mention before. 

The song used is Secret Garden - The things you are to me. It was requested by a dear reader on deviantart that I use the song in the story.

Also, this is the second to last chapter. Please enjoy. 

Sometimes I wake at night

And suddenly take fright

You might be just fantasy

She woke up startled by the sound of the kettle. The room was dark and for a second she thought that maybe it had all been but a dream and she was still blind and there was no Loki. She pushed the thought away and blinked several times before adjusting to the darkness of the room.

By the looks of it, the sun had set a while ago and she had fallen asleep on the couch, reading a book that was now seated on the little coffee table in their shared living room. The sound of the kettle was an obvious sign that Loki got home from work and maybe made himself a cup of tea.

With a smile on her face, she tip-toed to the kitchen and poked her head in, seeing him leaning against the kitchen counter, his green teacup in hand and another purple one on the counter, both steaming. His eyes were closed and it looked like he was focusing on something.

But then you reach for me

And once again I see

All the things you are to me

That was when she heard it, the soft rhythm of the song coming from the radio. A small grin appeared on her face when she realized what song it was. Taking advantage of his tranquility, she trotted over to where he was and wrapped her small hands over his, that were holding the mug.

"Hello, love." he opened his eyes, a genuine smile on his lips as he pulled his hands away and put the cup down.

"Hello." she smiles cheekily, inching closer so he could hug her to his chest, which he did not a moment later. "When did you get home?"

"A few minutes ago. I didn't want to wake you up. You need good rest." his smile grew into a smirk that only brought a pout to her lips.

"I don't think I can rest more than I am at the moment. I am literally doing nothing the whole day. It's boring." he chuckled at her comment and moved one hand from her waist to her round belly, softly caressing it through the material of his green sweater that she loved wearing.

"Maybe I can take a few days off and stay with you?" he suggested, leaning in to press a soft kiss to her hairline. She giggles and nodded happily.

"Yes yes yes, please do! Can you stay home until he comes?" she batted her lashes pleadingly, leaning up to pecks his lips.

"You know I can't, love. I can take off tomorrow and Friday and have a prolonged weekend?" she pouted again but wrapped her arms around his torso and hid her face into his chest.

"Okay." she nodded energetically. He cupped her cheeks and pulled her head up for a kiss.

"Twenty-two days to go." he whispered soon after pulling back. She smiled at him, pecking his lips again.

"It's not sure he will be born right then, Loki."

"I know, I just like to have something slightly secure to hold on to while I'm waiting." he knelt down in front of her and pulled the sweater up, revealing her plump stomach.

Using both hands, he gently brushed the surface of her tummy, planting feather-like kisses wherever he could. "I can't wait." he whispered against her skin.

"Me neither. But I'm nervous..." her voice trailed off towards the end as she tangled her fingers into his hair. Pulling her hands from his hand, he held them in front of him and started kissing them now, eventually finishing by kissing her open palms.

"I am too. But everything will be alright. Because I love you." he finally stood, pulling her close enough to tower over her and completely envelop her in his warm embrace but gentle enough so as not to hurt her.

"I love you too. Thank you for everything."

You are the wonder and the mystery

In everything I see

The things you are to me.

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