Not the end

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Hey, guys. Thank you for reading so far! Here comes the next part.

This is technically the end, but I do have a few more drabbles with Alana and Loki that I consider part of their story so they will be up as normal chapters. Please enjoy and let me know what you think!

The following day Loki showed up at her doorstep with a box in hand. He had big news to share and he was hoping that she will want to celebrate in whatever way. Thus, the box he was gripping a bit nervously as the door opened to reveal an old but seemingly elegant lady.

"Who are you, young man?" she asked, a frown on her face.

"Erm. Good afternoon, Mrs. Greenword, I believe?" he spoke hopefully, remembering Alana once mentioned the name.

"Yes. What do you want?" he could see it on her face that she was a bit surprised he knew her name, but she remained firm.

"Is Alana at home? I would like to talk to her." the woman looked him up and down suspiciously, finally eyeing the box in his hands.

"She's a bit down at the moment. What if it's your fault? What's with the box?" at that, he raised a brow. If this lady was the one Alana mentioned, then she knew very well what was up with her, so why the questionnaire?

"I can assure you that I didn't do anything to upset her. And this is just a small gift. May I see her now? Maybe I will cheer her up." with a sigh, the woman stepped aside and let Loki in, keeping her eyes on him until he knocked on the door to Alana's apartment.

//Time skip

Loki was a bit unsure of how they ended up like this, but he didn't have any complains. She was on her couch, laying on her back and trying to catch her breath. She was frowning a bit, trying to show that she was still upset at what he had done, but probably not as much as she would have liked to.

"I" she finally spoke, taking small pauses to breathe in as she talked.

"No, you don't." he answered, a certain smugness in his voice. "You love me." he reached out and took her hand, pressing what was left of the cupcake into her hand. "There you go."

"I do not. And don't. Ever. Tickle. Me. Again. I will brutally murder you." she tried to sound as threatening as possible while catching her breath, sitting almost half-naked on her couch and eating a vanilla cupcake.

"Oh, my. I am terrified." he joked and pulled her closer, earning a small grunt.

"Stop pulling and pushing me around, Loki. I'm not a rag doll." she whined and tried pushing him away, knowing very well that he could tickle her again.

"No, no, my dear, you are my rag doll until you give me a satisfactory answer. Now what do you say?" he whispered in her ear, taking the cupcake wrapper out of her hand and tossing it on the table once she had finished nibbling at it.

"The answer is still no, Loki. I am not going to accept that big of a 'friendly gift' from a total stranger." he sighed once again, it being the third time he was given the same answer. He was about to reach for a new cupcake but decided against it, instead pulling her half onto his lap, burying his face into her almost fully uncovered shoulder.

"Please, Alana. The amount of money truly doesn't matter for Stark. His only reaction when I explained the situation was to ask where was his cheque book. He knows how much help I want to help and how important this is to the both of us. Please. Do not take this as pity. It is just something I feel I should do as a part of my redemption. I truly feel responsible for what had happened to you and I want....I want to make it a bit better. Please."

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