Part 5

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This chapter is based more on Loki's feelings towards Alana and the way they blossom. For the both of them. They go at the library and spend some time together. Twin chapter with the next part!

The atmosphere at the Stark tower was only slightly awkwarder than usual. The Avengers were wary, thinking of what Clint and Steve had told them, about the the way Loki looked at the girl, touched and tenderly held her as if he would crush her if he wasn't paying enough attention.

It was definitely something weird to witness or imagine but the way he acted when he got home was even worse. He was smiling, an eerie look on his face as if his mind was elsewhere. However, that didn't change his attitude towards the Avengers one bit. He would still grow at everyone or ignore them if they were crossing his limits, but when he was alone, he was creepy. To the least.

And that was when they knew Loki had fallen head over heels. Or at least that was the conclusion they reached after spying on both of them and trying to figure out whether it was just a part of a sick plan of world domination or some other Loki-like thing.

On the other hand, Loki was feeling like a schoolgirl. He would randomly find himself touching the cheek she had kissed, or sighing dreamily when thinking of her. Then he would proceed to scold himself and make mental notes that he was not in love with a mortal girl, no matter what everyone else said.

However, as days went by and he hadn't stalked her at all, he allowed himself some time to think. He eventually got to accepting the idea that he felt indeed guilty for what happened to her. The more he looked into it, the more he realized that he didn't exactly analyze the consequences when he was in New York, when he fought the Avengers or even while he was imprisoned in Asgard. The only ones that ever managed to make him think or care about his actions had been Thor while they were fighting and his mother. Or...adoptive mother, who he still mourned. His heart ached at the thought but he tried to make it go away. He didn't need this right now.

Sure, he had mixed feelings on whether or not he felt guilty about the whole attack or just what happened to her. Then he would ask himself if he actually allowed a mere mortal to change him mind of such important matters. 'Maybe it would have been better if she died during the attack.' he would think, but immediately panic at the idea of never having gotten to meet her. Either way, his train of thought would usually end with him facepalming and trying to find something to distract himself or one of his new 'friends' pestering him with questions or purely mocking remarks.
And today it was no different. Tony joined him on the balcony soon after, throwing an arm over his shoulders.

"Thinking of her, Reindeer Games?" he asked, that cheeky grin ever-present.

"It is none of your concerns, Stark." he spat, pushing his hand away.

"Awwwww, don't be so meeean. I have a bit of a background with women. Maybe I could help." he tried getting close to the Trickster again.

"I do not require any assistance, Man of Iron. I am a God." he hissed, preparing to make his leave.

"You may be, but even as a God, you still need to go talk to her." Tony shouted after him, smiling knowingly not a minute later.

Though he completely ignored the ridiculous comments of a man who knew nothing about him, as soon as he entered the living room he shrugged and teleported elsewhere, failing to notice Clint passing a 20$ bill to Steve, with a sad smile on his face. What was the bet he had lost? Loki not resisting another day without going after Alana.

//To Alana

It had been a couple of days since she last saw Loki...errr....met? Heard? Talked to? Whatever. Since she freaked out when she found out who he was and hurt herself like the clumsy idiot she is. Moving her foot around on the pavement, she squinted her eyes when she felt the slight discomfort while bending her ankle to the left. He was right, his magic was too limited to finish it, but at least it saved her from a visit to the doctor and possibly an uncomfortable bandage.

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