Part 2

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Watch your step II

Summary: The mysterious stranger 'bumps' into our OC at a cafe, totally by chance.

Day after day passed since her awkward encounter with the stranger that gave her the scarf and new walking stick. She hadn't him around ever since and although she knew it was childish and stupid, she hoped he would randomly pop up in front of her so she could bump into him again. The rational part of her mind told her that she should return the scarf. The less rational one was rational enough to use that as an excuse to meet him again.

And thus, spring was coming and it was about time she stopped wearing such a cozy scarf, but hey, another day wouldn't matter much, right? Having had the scarf described to her, she always made sure it worked with the rest of her outfit, just like the day she put it snugly around her neck and made her way out of the house, locking and double checking before putting the key into her inside-pocket of the jacket just to make sure nothing happened to it. When you can't see, things always go wrong if you lose something important. She had learned it the hard way.

With a sigh, she started down the street, unconsciously counting the steps she took. It's not like she had to anyways, by now she knew, but it was a habit. The small tea-shop she visited weekly was only 487 steps away from her house. Which luckily meant she had to cross only one street and walk past a park. But it wasn't that bad. It's been two years since she lost her sight. Everyone in the neighbourhood was used to it by now and they were trying their best to protect her. In all honesty, they made her life much easier.

The familiar doorbell rang as she entered the small cafe, going straight to the counter after closing her walking stick and putting it into her bag.

"Good morning, Alana. How are you today?" a cheerful voice greeted her.

"Good morning, Cath. I'm good, thank you. How's business?" she asked the cashier and old friend of hers, one of the few who stuck to her after her accident.

"Wonderful, so far. I see you're still wearing the green scarf, huh? You didn't find it's mysterious owner yet?" the blonde woman asked, a grin gracing her features, although she was aware the short redhead couldn't see it.

"Well, even if I did, it's not like I could recognize him. I was kind of hoping he would see it and ask for me to give it back. I guess not." she shrugged, unconsciously running a hand over the scarf, inhaling the scent.

"I see you still sniff it from time to time. Is the scent really there or are you going crazy?" the blonde cashier asked, slightly amused by her friend.

"It's still there." the girl frowned, trying to glare although she didn't know if she succeeded. "Do you have them?" she questioned, changing the subject to the one that interested her at the moment. Whether or not there were any vanilla muffins left. It was asking out of habit, knowing that Cath usually saved some for her every Wednesday morning, but she asked anyways.

"Erm..." that was odd. Usually Cath was preparing her order by now. "You see, Alana..."

"You don't have vanilla muffins?!" she asked in disbelief.

"No...not really...Ten minutes ago this creepy dude ordered them all and then proceeded to sit down and not even touch them.
"Awww, damn creepers.... I should have left the house earlier. Anyways, please tell me that you still have strawberry muffins. At least that."she said hopefully.

"I do,  I do. Do you want the usual tea, hun?"

Before she could even open her mouth to answer, a very familiar voice echoed behind her.

"I believe that will not be necessary. My dear, your vanilla muffins are waiting. Hurry up before the tea runs cold."

A strong arm wrapped around her small waist, pulling her close to a seemingly just as strong chest. The redhead jolted away before turning around,  her hands automatically flying to the face of her captor.

"It's you! I cannot believe I have finally found you." She said, her small hands tracing his features in an attempt to make sure that she was right. If she would have been able to see the look on her friend's face, she would have laughed at the utter confusion that graced her features.

Although he flinched again, he let her study his face, her fingers gingerly slipping over his soft skin, tracing his jawline, cheekbones and finally, his eyes. Retracting her hands, she clapped them together before going to unwrap the scarf from around her neck.

"I believe this is yours." she handed it to him, only to have it pushed back.

"Not anymore, now come along." he pulled her towards a table near the window, helping her sit and pushing her chair closer to the table.

"In front of you there is a plate with three vanilla muffins with chocolate and strawberry frosting and a big cup of Earl Grey tea." she squealed in delight, her hands palming at the table to find the fore-mentioned items.

"Sir, whoever you are, you are AWESOME!" she whispered, taking a bite from one of the muffins and practically moaning in delight.

"Thank you, my dear. I believe your friend called you Alana?" he asked, sipping his own cup of tea.

"Yes, Sir. How about you?" she asked, her blind eyes somehow managing to sparkle with curiosity. She heard his low chuckle and grimaced before continuing to nibble on the muffin.

"Is it of little importance at the moment. There is a reason as to why I wanted to talk to you again." he suddenly changed the subject, making her put the cup down and stay put, feeling uneasy as the atmosphere around them suddenly seemed grave.

"Is it the scarf?" she asked, trying to lighten up the mood. He chuckled a bit, but then silence followed as he continued talking.

"I am interested in the way you lost your sight." she was taken aback by his demand.

Normally, she would have yelled at a stranger asking her something so personal, but there was something in his words that made her stop. She fidgeted with the muffin wrapper, looking for the right words as he sat quietly, waiting for an answer.

"Um...Well. I lost my sight about two years ago, during the New York attack. I'm sure you heard of it? I'm asking cause your accent is weird and it doesn't match a New Yorker. Anyways. There's nothing interesting to it." she shrugged and took a sip of tea before taking a bite of her delicious muffin too.

"How?" was his only reaction, no movement being heard from his direction.
"What do you mean?"

"You said during the New York attack. But how exactly?"

She sighed heavily, her shoulders slumping a bit.

"That day, I had rehearsals...You see, before the attack, I was a dancer. I was inside a building a couple of blocks down when I heard loud crashes and the whole thing fell down on me. I broke my leg, a couple of ribs and got hit in the head. I was in a coma for 3 weeks and when I woke up I couldn't see anything. Woo. Nothing interesting, like I said." she mumbled, taking an angry bite from her last muffin.

"I see..." he trailed off, his mind wandering back to that dreadful day. This was what he feared, although he didn't want to admit it. Meeting someone whose life was ruined by his actions. Looking at her, he wondered briefly what course could her life had turned if not for the attack. He was so wrapped up in his own mind that he only noticed her speaking as she raised from the chair and started to search her bag for her wallet, cursing out loud as she couldn't find it.

"What are you doing?" he got up, putting a hand on hers, trying to keep her from going away.

"I want to go home. Thank you for everything." she answered him, trying to move away from his hand.

"What happened? What angered you so?" he asked, circling the table to take her hands in his.

"I don't like talking about my past. Especially not with strangers that I barely know. And especially not about how I lost my sight." she almost hissed at him.

"I apologize. You will understand more later. Don't leave yet." she just kept pulling her hands back.

"I'm sorry...I have to." she let out a sob and he released her hands.

"Would you mind calling Cath over? She usually takes the right sum out of my wallet since I can't see and all...."

"You don't have to..." he refused, handing her the scarf.

"This is yours. We shall meet again. I am sorry I upset you."

With a swish of air and the sound of the doorbell, he was gone and she stood dumbfounded in the coffee shop.

Watch your step -  Loki Love storyWhere stories live. Discover now