Bad news

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It was a slightly awkward situation for him, having the redhead snuggling into his arm as he read about Heimdall and his powers which enabled him to see everything that happened within the nine realms. Which meant that he knew full well what Loki was doing at the moment.

He stopped reading and looked up, at the ceiling. There was a painting of a galaxy, The Milky Way, he noted after analyzing the faded paint. However, his mind wandered to his life back on Asgard. The way he spent his time there before his brother's crowning. Before he found out who he was. He realized he would have enjoyed to know her before. On Asgard, whether she was human or a goddess.

He would have enjoyed reading to her in these moments of mutual understanding and pleasurable silence when the words he read had no meaning and the only thing that mattered was their closeness. Yes, Heimdall could see that. And his Mother would enjoy that very much. To see her son happy, content and understood.

He would love to be able to see Frigga smile. To have her see him happy next to a woman who didn't seem to hate him like everyone else did. He put one arm over Alana's shoulder and pulled her closer, kissing her forehead.

"Why did you stop reading?" She questioned, having him notice only then that it indeed has been quite a while since the comfortable silence fell between them.

"I was thinking." He let go of her only to feel her nuzzle into his shoulder once again.

"About what?" She started patting his wrist, seemingly looking for something.

"Mother." The silence fell once again but she kept patting his wrists.

"What are you doing?" He quirked one brow, looking down at her only to find her own brows furrowed.

"I find it strange that a gentleman like you doesn't carry a watch." She finally stopped patting his wrists, turning her head up to face him, closed eyes yet a soft smile on her face. "Do you happen to have the time?"

He was slightly startled by her question but soon recovered and told her that it was precisely ten minutes to five.

"Damn....I guess I should be heading home by now. I still have to prepare dinner. She sighed and moved into a less awkward position. "And I wanted you to read about yourself. I'm quite curious to see how many of those stories are true." she giggled although she couldn't see his expression.

"I doubt you want that. Either way. It has stopped raining. Would you like me to take you home?" He helped her up and after gathering their things, they left the library, not forgetting to bid goodbye to Mrs. Funders.

For the most part, the trip to Alana's house was rather silent. More than half way through it, she finally decided to ask what was bugging her for a while now.

"Hey,'ve mentioned your mother twice today..." She played with the walking stick, twirling it around before returning to patting the ground before her with it once again.

"Ah, yes. I do miss her. Out of everyone on Asgard, she seemed to be the only one not to judge me for my actions and my way of living." he answered, looking straight ahead, although he was aware that she couldn't see his facial expression.

"Aww. I see. She seems nice." Alana shrugged her shoulder and kept walking. "I still can't believe I am talking to an actual God about other actual Gods..." she giggled childishly and turned to him, walking sideways. "You’re real, aren't you?" she poked him with the handle of her walking stick.

"Very much so, my dear." he wrapped an arm around her waist and turned her so that she was walking straight once again, keeping his arm there. "See?" he squeezed her waist for emphasis.

Watch your step -  Loki Love storyWhere stories live. Discover now