That's a promise - The End

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This is it, people! The last chapter has finally arrived. I would like to thank you all for tagging along with me for so long, for waiting for me to update at my extremely slow pace and to comment and star and read this to get it to 2.7k reads. It's been a long journey and I'm glad I've made it with you. As my first chapter story, I'm very happy with the feedback. I hope you enjoy this last chapter just as much as you did the other ones!

Note: There is a time-skip of 4 years since the last chapter.

It was one of those lazy days. Sunday morning and the sun had already been up for a while. A day when she didn't have to wake up before 9 am because Loki was off work and he was spending time with Tyr that day.

With a happy sigh she turned on her side, cracking one eye open to look at the empty space next to her. She craved to have Loki there with her, to hold her and share his familiar warmth with her. However, she knew they couldn't leave little hyperactive Tyr alone.

She closed her eyes and decided to sleep just a bit more. Thor, Jane and three year old Thorvaldr would be coming over at lunch to have the cousins play together until late afternoon. She smiled thinking of how Thor and Loki managed to get along because of the simple fact that their kids practically loved each other to death and were closer than actual brothers.

Right before she could drift off back to dreamland, her husband's sneaky hand wrapped around her waist and slowly descended to her round belly. He started to slowly caress the baby bump, hearing her hum softly as she nuzzled closer to him.

"Where is Tyr?" she tried sitting up, but he had her trapped in his gentle embrace. He nuzzled his face into her hair, inhaling her sweet scent, enjoying the moment he got to spend with his wife.

"In the living room, watching cartoons with Thorvaldr." at that, she tried moving again, but he didn't let her.

"Come on, Loki, I have to get up! Thor and Jane are here and I'm still in bed." she tried pushing him off but instead he moved over her, crawling down the bed to rest his head on her stomach.

"Not yet. I want to feel them." he pulled her night shirt up and planted small kisses all over her tummy, all the while being feebly pushed away by her small hands.

"Lookiiiiii, they're in the next roooom. Please stop." he simply shook his head and continued caressing her round tummy.

She was only six months pregnant and her tummy was already bigger than it had been during the first pregnancy. This time, they were expecting twins. Alana refused to let anyone tell her the gender of the children, just like she did when Tyr was born, but Loki continuously tried to convince her to tell her.

Suddenly, one of the babies, or maybe even both, kicked and it hit Loki in the eye that was pressed to plump stomach, making him jerk away the slightest bit. She winced at the kick but giggled as she saw him looking at her baby bump like a kicked puppy.

"It's okay, babies. It's only daddy." she whispered softly, wrapping her own arms around her stomach, caressing it dearly, much like Loki did.

"They know it's me. I just think they don't like it when you sit like this." she hummed in approval and moved into a sitting position, resting her back against the headboard.

"Can we go now? I feel bad leaving the guests alone." she tried to reason with him, but when Loki got into 'Future Daddy' mode, little things were able to take him out of it.

"Have you thought of names?" he placed his head on her lap and pulled her nightshirt over the belly to kiss and gently caress the skin, refraining from jerking away whenever the babies kicked.

"Yes, but I'll tell you when we know the genders."

"I already know them."

"Shush, don't ruin it for me." she poked her tongue out and not a moment later the door burst open, a mop of ginger hair followed by another, of blond this time, rushing into the room and climbing on the bed.

"Momma, wake up! Thorvaldr and I want to watch Bambi with Sissy one and Sissy two!" he whisper-yelled having learned that he had to keep quiet and let Alana rest as much as possible. Thorvaldr was nodding viciously by his side, clutching at his Ironman pajama shirt.

"I'll be right up, sweetie. Now come to momma." she lifted her arms as Loki stood and Tyr soon climbed in-between them, dipping down to kiss his mother's tummy before hugging her carefully. Loki pulled Thorvaldr in his lap and the younger boy giggled happily.

"Did Daddy tell you they will be two sissies?" she asked stroking his messy hair. He shook his head and looked up at her as if he's done something wrong.

"I-I knew from the first time I touched your tummy, momma." she kissed his head and hugged him a bit closer.

They knew Tyr had inherited some of his father's abilities, but as he grew, it was more obvious than ever. She kissed his forehead and slowly made him stand.

"You go stay with Uncle Thor and Auntie Jane until Momma gets ready, okay?"

he nodded and climbed off the bed, waiting for his cousin. Alana hugged Thorvaldr too and kissed his forehead before watching the two boys run out of their bedroom and back to the TV set in the living-room.

"I guess it was inevitable to find out, huh?" she looked at him with a small sad smile and climbed off the bed with a bit of help.

"I'm sorry. I didn't figure that he knew. I would have told him to keep the surprise." he kissed his wife's forehead and pulled her into a loving embrace.

"Well, better tell him next time." she giggled into his chest then looked up at him with a cheeky grin.

Although dumbstruck at first, he grinned back, nodding. "That's a promise."

 Thank you once again for reading!
Btw, the picture on the side is by Waspany on dA. Here's the link

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