Chapter One: Strangers- Wolfkit

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Wolfkit was busy playing with her brothers early in the morning when she saw a huge group of cats she didn't recognize come into the ShadowClan camp. However, before she could get a good look, Cedarkit had bowled her over, and she was upside down.

"Got you!" he shouted triumphantly, while their other brother, Breezekit, was trying to catch up. His grey fur was covered in dirt, and it was almost impossible to see the silver stripe that went down his back all the way to the tip of his tail. Cedarkit was at least somewhat cleaner.

"That's only because I was distracted you mouse brain. Look over there," Wolfkit wiggled out from underneath Cedarkit, cleaning dirt off of her own tabby fur. All three of the kits' amber eyes twinkled as they looked across the camp to the strange cats.

"Who are those?" Breezekit asked in his raspy voice, a product of getting his throat crushed in a battle with RiverClan several moons before. Nightberry had said that he might never get his proper voice back.

"I'll bet they're from another clan, like ThunderClan. We should attack them!" Cedarkit tried to get on top of Breezekit to get a better view, though Breezekit didn't seem to mind very much. Suddenly, one black and white cat that the kits did recognize darted out to go to Featherstar's den.

"If Thistlepaw is with them, then they're probably friendly," Wolfkit decided to get closer to them to see if she could talk to them. She left her brothers behind to go over a bit. As she walked, she saw that most of them were more grown than Thistlepaw, and they all had different smells, as if they were from different clans. So much for them being ThunderClan, like Cedarkit had thought.

"Well, hello little kit," said one of the smaller ones, a pure white she-cat with pale blue eyes. Her voice sounded both scary and kind at the same time, emitting both cold and warmth, so Wolfkit really didn't know what to think of her. She definitely wasn't a normal cat, and that made Wolfkit nervous.

"Hi!" Wolfkit squeaked out. She was usually a very brave kit, but there was something so creepy about the white she-cat that left Wolfkit feeling funny inside.

"Now, now Silentstar. Don't go around scaring the kits out of their mind," a larger grey tom said. Wolfkit backed up a bit in surprise. She knew that Silentstar was the leader of BloodClan, the Clan of vicious cats that lived in twolegplace. The apprentices all claimed that they sharpened their claws on the bones of kittypets, but the elders and older warriors who travelled with the clans during the great journey assured that those were only stories.

If the leader of BloodClan is here, then are the rest of the cats from BloodClan? Wolfkit thought, looking up at all the cats. One of them was certainly scarred enough for it. Maybe coming over had been a bad idea. Wolfkit's fur bristled a bit, but she knew she wasn't gonna be a scaredy cat, so she held her ground.

"She's not scaring me!" Wolfkit tried to stand up a bit taller, but being much smaller than them all, that was not an easy thing to achieve. Before the other cats could reply, one of the apprentices, Ivypaw, came to stand beside Wolfkit.

"Lakefoot sent me to get you," he said quietly and with a low tone. His yellow eyes contrasted sharply with his dark grey fur, slashed at the shoulders and sides with black stripes.

"But I'm talking to BloodClan," Wolfkit protested, squeaking when the somewhat larger apprentice grabbed her by her scruff. Wofkit was big enough that he couldn't exactly pick her up completely, since she was almost apprentice age herself, but he was able to unceremoniously drag her off. "Hey, lemme go!" Ivypaw declined to answer her with his mouth full of her fur and all. Sadly, Ivypaw was one of the oldest apprentices, so Wolfkit wasn't strong enough to escape his grasp.

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