Chater Five: Medicine Cat Troubles- Thistleshade

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A/N: Hi y'all. I'm baaack. Yeesh, I really need a Wolfkit chapter soon. She'll be back in the next one probably, since that part I'm at right now isn't actually in my outline. It's already chapter five, and I haven't even written what I'd originally planned for chapter three yet. Fml. Also, I found out how to highlight an entire document in about three seconds, and it's been making things about 8 billion times easier!

Anyway, enjoy.

"Someone help!" Thistleshade heard the voice of Thunderpaw coming from the entrance to camp. She poked her head out of the medicine den to see the golden brown tabby racing around the Rocktower. She groaned, not in the best mood considering she'd woken up having to shove half of her joints in their proper places. They never used to do that, but ever since her accident, her joints were even weaker than they would've been otherwise. It hurt, but she kept it in. She was the medicine cat, which meant she couldn't afford to give in to her own problems.

"What's wrong," she said, coming up to Thunderpaw halfway to the medicine den. He seemed annoyed that she'd taken so long to get to him, but running for her would be awkward and ungainly and might even be dangerous if she wasn't careful.

"Ivypaw is hurt. I wasn't sure what to do, so I came here," Thunderpaw said, the annoyance giving way to a look of worry. It was odd. His behavior was quite a far cry from what it had been the day before. Maybe Thistleshade had misjudged him.

"Hurt how? Can he make it here?" she questioned, hearing Eagleeyes arrive behind her, probably wondering what all the commotion was about.

"I think so. I can help to escort him," Thunderpaw dashed away, presumably to wherever Ivypaw was. The ThunderClan apprentice was speedy and would hopefully be efficient.

"What's happening? I only caught the end of that. Something about escorting?" Eagleeyes said from behind her, his pale amber eyes lit up with concern.

"Thunderpaw said that Ivypaw is hurt. They should be coming soon," movement caught her eye from where Thunderpaw had gone. "Oh my... what happened?" Thistleshade's eyes widened as Ivypaw came into full view, supported in part by Thunderpaw and in part by Littlepaw. He was torn up all over, with quite a lot of blood staining not only his own dark pelt but also Thunderpaw and Littlepaw's much lighter fur in bright, sticky red. Somehow, Ivypaw managed to keep going through what must've been excruciating pain and a rather bad limp in his hing right leg from a gash that went down his leg to his paw, and his mother, Ravencall, had already joined the small group, worried about her son. Thankfully Meaownight was nowhere to be seen. Two doting parents would be a nightmare. As Thistleshade leapt forward to meet the cats, ignoring stabs of pain that shot through her paws upon the harsh impact with the ground, she vaguely noticed that some of the other apprentices had come out to gawk. The sharp pain went further up Thistleshade's legs as she instinctively went faster before forcing herself to slow down as much as she could. Ivypaw needed her to help him, but not so much that she could risk hurting herself to get to him.

"What happened?" Thistleshade asked once she was within talking distance with them. She was breathing heavily and mostly out of breath despite not even running very far.

"I'd like to know what happened as well," Ravencall growled at Thunderpaw. She hovered over her son and the others like a camp queen, making Ivypaw visibly uncomfortable.

"Could you all please move away from Ivypaw? I need to evaluate his injuries," Thistleshade spoke with quite a bit more confidence than she felt, forcing her breathing steady. Honestly, she had no clue where to begin. There was just so much blood. In response to her request, Littlepaw and Thunderpaw moved away from Ivypaw, letting him sit down gently on the sandy ground.

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⏰ Last updated: May 14, 2017 ⏰

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