Chapter Three: Omens in the Stars- Thistleshade

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Thistleshade was showing Eagleeyes the border to the forbidden territory when she saw the falling star streaking over ThunderClan territory. In the instance she saw it, she forgot her weary paws, how they weighed her down like the wood of the Whistling Oak. It seemed that as soon as the feeling arrived, it disappeared along with the star, leaving her to almost collapse with fatigue. Her head swam with encroaching sleep and questions. Why was the star falling? How could she see it in the middle of the day? Was it a sign from StarClan? Another thing that crossed her mind was that it would be a bad idea to fall asleep so close to ThunderClan territory, so she forced herself to walk to Eagleeyes, focusing on the rushing of the river that flowed nearby as well as an aching that sat itself in the joints of her legs and paws to keep herself alert.

"Are you alright?" Eagleeyes sounded very concerned, his soft voice spiking as much as it could. It was still very quiet, though, and Thistleshade almost missed it in the rush of the river in her ears. Maybe she hadn't been quite as alert as she'd thought.

"I'm fine, just tired. You saw that, though, right?" Thistleshade wanted to make sure the falling star had at least been real. She could figure out what it meant later.

"The falling star? Yes, I did... quite a strange omen for StarClan to make," Eagleeyes' voice turned solemn.

Thistleshade nodded in reply. She'd thought it might have been an omen, even she knew enough for that. "What do you think it means?" she whispered. Though it had shown itself so very briefly, it already reeled through Thistleshade's mind. She thought of many possible answers, none of which spelled very well for the Clans. She hoped it was just her overactive imagination talking.

"If the star fell over ThunderClan, maybe it was meant for Hailpaw and I. Then again, why show it to you as well?" Eagleeyes had an uncertain look, and he dashed along the ThunderClan border, movements made faster by worry.

"I know what that look means. Hailpaw is going to be fine. I'm sure of it. The falling star must mean something else, something like... er... I don't actually know," Thistleshade was struggling to keep up with Eagleeyes, as she didn't want to hurt herself. Even hitting the ground too hard with her paws could injure her if she wasn't careful. Thankfully, she didn't have to chase him very far down the border, especially since the thick scent of ThunderClan seeping over the border masked Eagleeyes' scent to her. She could still hear the river too, since it came very close to ThunderClan territory in the center of all the Clans, bringing ShadowClan territory to taper off to a point. Eagleeyes had slowed down considerably, sniffing at the ground, as if he'd singled out a specific scent trail. Thistleshade came to a stop behind him, wondering how in StarClan he could make out individual scents with all of the mixed together markers along the border. It made her wonder if WindClan was having the same problems with ThunderClan that ShadowClan was.

"Someone you know?" she asked. Honestly, most of ThunderClan was probably someone he knew, but it also could've been rogue scent. Thistleshade didn't think she'd be able to make out much of anything other than ThunderClan.

"An apprentice from my Clan... he must've crossed the border," Eagleeyes sounded confused. "This way!" he darted off again, leaving an even more confused Thistleshade.

"Wait up, Eagleeyes!" she tried running after the tortoiseshell again, soon able to somehow make out the scents of a few ShadowClan apprentices, Littlepaw and Ivypaw. There was the sound of several voices, and Thistleshade, sleep deprived and hurting as she was, became distracted as she tried to discern who was speaking. In her distraction, she ran right into Eagleeyes, his soft, warm fur coming into violent contact with her face. A sharp pain shot its way down her neck, and she yowled loudly enough to wake up SkyClan.

"Oh my StarClan, are you ok?" Eagleeyes was immediately concerned with Thistleshade's well being, sniffing her to make sure nothing was too wrong.

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