Chapter 4: Enter the Dreameaters- Ivypaw

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A/N: So, after writing this chapter, I realized one thing that I should probably tell you. I SWEAR THIS ISN'T HENTAI, I'M SO SORRY, PLEASE DON'T KILL ME!!!!




You'll see what I mean when Ivypaw starts dreaming... Anyway, if anyone is confused about who Nightberry is, I changed Moonscar's name. I have been informed that Moon- is a sacred thing to the cats, so I will refrain from using it in names in the future.

Ivypaw woke up still tired from someone roughly shaking his head, opening his eyes to utter and complete darkness. Why in StarClan would someone wake him up smack dab in the middle of the night? He honestly had no clue. He tried to move for a bit, but it didn't take him long to realize that he couldn't. Someone was on top of him for some strange reason. He had a bad feeling that it was some sort of cosmic retribution from squashing Littlepaw earlier in the day. Really, really awful cosmic retribution. StarClan of all people should've known that he hated being touched.

"Beaverpaw, get off of me," he mumbled, recognizing the scent that surrounded his nose. He started trying to extract himself out from under his brother. Thankfully, Beaverpaw was the smallest of the three littermates, despite being born first as he often liked to brag about. It wasn't very hard for Ivypaw to extract himself out from underneath now that he knew what was going on.

"Good, you're awake," came the voice of Lionpaw, the youngest of the apprentices. Although, he wouldn't be the youngest for long, since Wolfkit, Breezekit and Cedarkit would be ready to become apprentices in a little under a moon. The three kits wouldn't let the rest of the camp hear the end of it. "Meadownight sent me to get you."

Ivypaw didn't reply. He was too worried that his voice might break if he tried talking loud enough for Lionpaw to understand him, although he did wonder why his father had sent for him. It wasn't very common for that to happen, considering Beaverpaw and Buzzardpaw were the more visible of the littermates. He stepped carefully through the den to avoid stepping on Halfpaw or Buzzardpaw. It was hard, but that's what he got for taking the nest furthest from the entrance to the den. Sadly, it was all for naught, as Ivypaw ran straight into Lionpaw on the way out, having been paying too much attention to the other three apprentices in the den.

"Ow! Watch where you're going," Lionpaw shook himself out.

"Will you two quiet down? Some of us are trying to sleep," came a half hearted growl from below that sounded somewhat like Halfpaw.

"Sorry," Ivypaw muttered before pushing out into the open air. No one followed him, so he assumed they'd all gone back to sleep. Or at least he tried to assume that rather than assuming they hated him too much to follow him out. Lionpaw had to be awake for a reason after all.

"Greetings Ivypaw," Meadownight greeted the dark apprentice, who easily blended in with the night in all but his bright yellow eyes. The moon, only slightly larger than half full, illuminated the mostly empty camp with pale silver light, giving a clear view of Meadownight and the leaving moonhigh patrol to Ivypaw. The stars were scattered across Silverpelt, swirling in shapes and patterns and blocked out where there was cloud cover. Meadownight's pelt seemed to be shaded with silver in the moonlight. Despite being father and son, the two looked nothing alike, only sharing in the slightly similar shapes of their muzzles. Where Ivypaw had bulk, Meadownight was lithe and sleek. The other two brothers were much more like their father.

"Hi," was all Ivypaw could think so say in response. Even though Meadownight was his father, the light brown tom was still clan deputy.

"Featherstar told me to send you out to guard the ThunderClan apprentice for the rest of the night. You're to stay with him until the sun rises, after which both of you can come back to camp," Meadownight said. "I'm sure you can handle it." Ivypaw nodded, "Alright then, good. I'll be expecting good things from you my son. Now, I'd better go catch up with the midnight patrol." Meadownight bounded off to meet with the other cats who had left. Knowing Meadownight, the rest of the patrol would include mostly cats without apprentices. The deputy didn't like to send apprentices or mentors on patrols at night. There hadn't even used to be a midnight patrol. There was never any need until ThunderClan had started acting strangely, but it seemed Rabbitstar's paranoia had spread to Featherstar because she insisted on the patrol going over the SkyClan and RiverClan borders too. She didn't even give any thought to the danger of patrolling the SkyClan border at night due to a wide thunderpath that exited a tunnel in the mountains.

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