Chapter 26

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Once we reach the city, we lie down under a tool store. We are at least five miles from where we last saw the Guards. It's so beautiful here. It finally cooled down and the breeze feels nice against my skin. I wish I could always feel this relaxed-- but I know that desire is a bit out of my reach at the moment.

I look over at Sam, who is standing up at least ten feet away staring out on the gorgeous city before us. His shirt and his hair are ruffled in the wind. It's a pretty sight, actually. I decide to stop thinking about him and go to sleep. I start to get comfy when I hear Sam walking towards me. He sits down next to me, his elbows on his knees.

"Hey." He says to me.

"Hi." I don't know what else to say. Is there even anything else to say?

"What's on your mind?" How does he know?

"I swear your psychic." I chuckle.

"Damn, you caught me." He raises his hand like he was just caught by the police. "Seriously, though. What's up?"

I guess I'll tell him. "Just thinking about the past few events that just took place."

He seems nervous. "What about them?"

"I don't really know. I kissed you to see if I wanted anything more for us, but..." I stop.

"But... what?" I can hear the hurt in his voice.

"But I really don't know if that's best right now. I mean, our main priority should be surviving."

"Oh, okay." He stands up and walks back out to his previous spot.

"Sam..." I get up and follow him. "Sam. Please don't take it personally."

"Remember down in the tunnel?" He changes the subject. "Remember?"

"Ya." Of course I remember, it was pretty recent.

"Ya, El. I kissed you in that tunnel because I thought we were going to die and I wanted to make sure I didn't miss out on doing the thing I wanted to do since day one." He takes a breath. "You said some real sweet things to me in that tunnel, it hit me hard. How couldn't I kiss you? It felt right. And then you kissed me a few minutes ago and it felt right all over again. Doesn't it feel right to you?"

I don't answer right away. Of course it felt right to me. How could it not? I like Sam and I trust Sam. What else is there? Right. Survival. Survival before love. "Ya, Sam, it did feel right to me. It felt more than right." I can see his face light up as he takes a step towards me.

"Then what are we waiting for?" Sam asks me. He puts his hands on my cheeks.


"Shh..." He is just staring at me.

"This isn't the right time." His eyes go wide.

"Wha.. what do you mean?" He steps closer to me, our noses almost touching.

"I mean, I don't want this." Of course I want this! Just not right now. "At least not now. This isn't a good time."

Sam takes his hands off my cheeks. "Oh. Ya, totally. I understand." I see the sadness in his eyes. "Maybe some day?"


A smile reappears on his wonderful face.


Just a quick love-type chapter for y'all:)

Be sure to tell me if you liked it!

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