Chapter 19

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     It's getting hotter by the minute. We are both breathing heavily. I'm still limping and Sam seems to be staying by my side.

     "Where is this mystery place?" I ask Sam, being consumed by the humidity.

     He hesitates. "I don't think you wanna know..."

     I snap my head his way. "What's that supposed mean?"

     "It's in Lawton."

     I stop in my tracks. "Lawton?!"

     He doesn't look me in the eyes.

     "Lawton is like eighty miles from here! You do know we're still in Oklahoma City, right?" I remind myself that he does know that we're in Oklahoma City because I saw it on his map back at the Facility.

     "We could go back if you want." He looks at me and gives me a sorry expression. He would do that for me? He would turn back?

     "No, it's fine. We'll get there eventually." Everywhere I turn I see worn-down buildings. I never knew this part of Oklahoma City existed. I guess when the huge tornado hit no one repaired this town. My parents never really brought me to Oklahoma City. We always just stayed in our small little town in our small little house. I always prayed for action and excitement. This is not what I had in mind.

     I take another step onto my sore foot and my ankle twists. I fall over onto Sam. He falls over too, saving my landing. I hear him laugh.

     "You okay?" He looks up at me, smiling. I fell onto his chest.

     "Ya," I start to laugh. He flips is over so he is hovering over me.

     "Positive?" He smirks. Our faces inches apart.

     I respond by putting my hand on his chest and pushing him off of me with all my strength. "Now I am."

     I hop up and continue limping along. He catches up to me and wipes the dust off his back. Five seconds later he swoops me up into his arms.

"Sam," I start, "I told you I don't want to be carried!" I try to wiggle out of his grasp but he is too strong. I really need to get in shape. I'm pretty small-figured, but small doesn't mean fit.

"If I'm willing to carry you, why do you care?" He looks at me.

"Because I am a strong, independent woman." He bursts into laughter. "What?!"
I chuckle. "It's true!"

"Whatever you say, El." He puts me down and pats my shoulder. "I mean, I get the independent part, but strong? I dunno..." I glare at him and continue walking at a faster pace. "C'mon, El, it was a joke!"

I roll my eyes. "It's not El. It's Ella." He doesn't respond. Finally I shut him up.

Soon it's dark again and we take shelter inside another gas station.

"Get comfy," Sam tells me as he tosses me a yoga mat from its container. What is it with all these yoga mats inside of gas stations? I shrug and roll out my mat. I immediately lay down and close my eyes.

"You just gonna go to sleep?" I feel Sam's eyes on my back. I don't respond. "Ella."

"What." I don't turn around. I'm really tired and all I wanna do is sleep.

"The sun is setting. Don't you want to see the sun set?" I think about it for a second, and then respond.

"No, I want to sleep."

"Never mind th--" his walkie talkie goes off. I immediately sit up.

"Sergeant Peterson. This is your Major." Rodger. "We know you have the girl and we know you are trying to run." Our eyes go wide. "I sent Guards that are coming from all directions to contain you both. Although Ella will be dead once we have eyes on 'er. Who knows, maybe we have a sniper on her right now." The walkie talkie shuts off.

Sam stands up. "We gotta go. Now."

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