Chapter 16-20

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Farfetch'd, Togepi and Ivysaur

Ash and his friends were taking a break in the meadow. Ash was looking after his two Eevee eggs and Misty was looking after her egg. And Tomo was playing with Growlithe and Pikachu. "You know," said Brock "there is a rumour that pokemon called Farfetch'd lives here.

Ash got interest by that and looked up Farfetch'd: Farfetch'd the wild duck pokemon. By using the green onion that it holds like a sword, Farfetch'd can cut through a variety of objects.

"Ooh I would like to have one" said Tomo. He, Ash and Brock decided to fetch some water from the stream, leaving Misty alone.

Just then Misty heard a rustling from a bush. "Oh dear," she said worriedly "I hope it's not anything dangerous or a disgusting bug pokemon". What came out of the bush was a Farfetch'd. "Oh wow" said Misty and chased after it. While chasing after the Farfetch'd, she ran into a boy named Keith. "Sorry about that" said Misty. "It's okay," Keith said "no harm done". He gave Misty her backpack, which fell onto the ground, then set off.

Misty went back to where Ash, Tomo and Brock were waiting for her. "Where had you been?" asked Ash. Misty explained her encounter of a Farfetch'd. "You're lucky" said Tomo. He really wanted to catch his own Farfetch'd. Ash rubbed his head and reassured him that they'll find some more Farfetch'd. Brock gave Misty back her canteen of water; he had filled it up for her. But when Misty opened up her backpack, she found out that the backpack was filled with potatos. "Oh my gosh!" she shouted in alarm "my backpack must have gotten switched with the boy I ran into. And all of my pokemon were in there". "It's a good thing your egg wasn't in your backpack" said Brock. Misty had her egg in her arms all the time, when it happened. "I'm relieved by that" said Misty, holding her egg close to her heart.

The gang rang to a police station at once and told Officer Jenny what had happened. "Another one" said Jenny, and she pointed to a wanted poster. "I have been after the boy Keith and his Farfetch'd for a whole week now. Misty you are the sixth pokemon trainer that has had a backpack, full of pokeballs, stolen". "When I get my hands on that guy, he will be sorry" said Misty angrily.

Back in the woods, Keith and Farfetch'd were hiding out in a tent. "Well Farfetch'd my friend," said Keith "we have hit the jackpot". He had stolen six backpacks and all of them, including Misty's backpack, had six pokeballs. "Thirty six pokeballs in total, ha not bad for this week". He set up a campfire and some food for himself and Farfetch'd. What they didn't know was that Misty's Oddish released herself from the pokeball and went for help.

Meanwhile Officer Jenny and the gang were looking for Keith in the woods. Misty showed them where she had run into Keith. "He might not be far from here" said Brock. Misty was still a bit upset that her pokeballs were stolen. The six pokemon she had with her were her Staryu, Starmie, Seel, Oddish, Squirtle and Poliwag. Just then her Oddish came out of the bushes. "Oddish," said Misty and ran over to her "I'm glad that you are okay. Can you please show us where the theif, who stole you and the others, is?" Oddish nodded and led them deeper into the wood.

At that time Keith and Farfetch'd were getting ready to find another victim, to steal pokeballs from, when Officer Jenny and the gang surrounded him. "We've caught you at last" said Officer Jenny. "Give me back my pokeballs!" demanded Misty. Keith stood still. "Care to explain why you steal other people's pokemon, rather than catch pokemon yourself?" said Ash. Keith explained that his Farfetch'd was too weak for battling. "So stealing pokemon is the only choice I have" he said. Ash wasn't amused by that comment. "You've have to be the most pathetic trainer I have ever met" he said. "Yeah," said Brock "training and working hard with Farfetch'd will make it strong". Keith then admits that he has not trained Farfetch'd yet. That made the gang facepalm.

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