Chapter 76
Fortree Gym
Another training day
And Lilycove Contest
Today the gang had arrived at Fortree City, where Ash could earn his next gym badge. Fortree City was different from other cities because everyone lived in tree houses instead of buildings. Apparently this city was one of those quiet forest settlements where humans and nature coexist. To Ash, Tomo and Brock this reminded them of Arborville in Johto because it was nearly the same as Fortree City. Ash and the gang headed for the Fortree Gym, which was a temple with a lot of steps. But the gym assistant, Zachary, explained that the gym leader Winona was helping out at the feather carnival. The feather carnival was an annual festival where the people of the city celebrated flying type pokemon. Apparently flying pokemon were the favorite pokemon type of Fortree City. Ash didn't mind waiting for tomorrow to battle Winona; he had a fun time at the carnival and it gave him enough time to figure out what pokemon he would use for the gym battle. Ash also found out that Winona used flying type pokemon and she owned a Skarmory which was bigger than its normal size; it was big enough for people to ride on it. Winona was a woman, with lavender air, and the pale blue and white clothes she wore made her look like a pilot.
The next day the whole carnival was over with and Ash and Winona were at the gym for their battle. The battle field was located at the top of the gym; it was outside instead of inside. Ash and Winona stood on elevated balconies about the battlefield. Zachary explained that the gym rules were that it was a three on three pokemon battle. Winona did a prayer to the sky to guide her in this battle; Winona actually worshiped the sky as well as loving it. Then she called out her first pokemon, an Altaria. "Oh wow it's an Altaria, a dragon and flying type move" said Max.
May looked at Altaria on her pokedex: Altaria the humming pokemon. The evolved form of Swablu. It flies gracefully through the sky. Its melodic humming makes you feel like you're in a dream.
"So my Swablu evolves into that huh?" said May. She sent out her Swablu and told it to watch the battle carefully. "I'll be using you in battles soon Swablu, so pay attention to this". Swablu chirped as if to say 'okay'. Ash sent out his Milotic to battle. "So it's a battle between two beautiful pokemon" said May. "Water types aren't usually strong against dragon, but there's no doubt that Ash knows what he's doing" said Max.
Ash ordered Milotic to start it off with dragon pulse, but Altaria dodged it. Apparently Altaria was one of those speedy pokemon. Then Winona ordered her Altaria to use dragon breath. "Use your special move Milotic" said Ash. The move was of course mirror coat and as soon as the dragon breath attack hit Milotic it bounced off and struck Altaria. "That mirror coat move always makes me say wow," said May "I hope that I will earn a pokemon in the future that can learn that". "Yeah me too" said Max. Winona was also surprised by that attack, but she kept on going. She ordered Altaria to use peck. Altaria, being so fast, was able to peck at Milotic lots of times. "Use safeguard Milotic" said Ash. Milotic glowed green and it stopped Altaria from pecking it any more. "Now use blizzard". Milotic blew a strong blizzard attack and Altaria got hit by it. Being a dragon and flying type pokemon, Altaria took a lot of damage from that ice move. "Altaria use your sky attack" said Winona. Altaria powered up, while a white aura surrounded its body, and then it flew straight into Milotic with a direct hit. Milotic got hurt by that attack, but she was still willing to fight. "Wow that sky attack move was incredible" said May. "Sky attack is one of the strongest flying type moves" said Max. Winona ordered her Altaria to use dragon breath again and Ash ordered Milotic to use hydro pump. Milotic and Altaria struck each other with their attacks. The two pokemon panted for a moment, but then they all fell to the ground in defeat. So this match was a draw.

Ash's Pokémon Journey
FanfictionThis Story is about how I think Ash's journey through Kanto, Orange Islands, Johto, Hoenn, Sinnoh and Unova should have been. With more pokemon. Smart, Psychic and Aura Ash. No Kalos and Aloha