Chapter 66-70

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Chapter 66

Team Aqua and Team Magma,

Phoebe and Dewford Gym

Ash, Tomo and Brock were enjoying their new journey in the Hoenn region, and so was May and Max even though this was their first journey. They had been to new places, seen and caught Hoenn pokemon and met different people. The one thing that was bothering Ash was Team Aqua and Team Magma, who the Officer Jenny in Rustboro City told them about. He could tell that these teams were bad news, except he hadn't met Team Magma yet, and he still wondered what they were really like; were they like Team Rocket or not?

Right now Ash and the gang were training along a beach on another part of Dewford Island. They were jogging along the beach, with Brock being in charge. Brock, Ash, Tomo and Max were doing well, but May, not being a fan of sports, wasn't enjoying herself. Suddenly Brock told everyone to stop; he saw a man climbing up the edge of a cliff. The man was Prof Birch and he was looking at a Wingull's nest. Unfortunately for him, the Wingull was not happy with him peering in her nest, and she pecked at him until he fell of the cliff. Luckily for Prof Birch he landed in some trees which managed to break his fall, so he didn't end up very hurt.

The gang was surprised to see Prof Birch and asked him what he was doing. "I was studying a Wingull's nest;" Prof Birch explained "Wingull build nests on edge of cliffs". "Ah I understand," said Ash "it's your way of studying pokemon and their habitats right?" "That's correct;" said Prof Birch "the best way to study pokemon is to be up close where the action is instead of seeing them from a distance, that's my opinion". "It's Prof Oak's opinion as well" said Tomo. "So tell me what brings you all here?" asked Prof Birch. Ash explained that they were doing some training for the Dewford Gym. "I see," said Prof Birch "and how as your journey been so far?" "It has been fantastic" said Max, and he started to talk about what he and the others had gone through so far.

Meanwhile, in a cave, Jessie, James and Meowth were hanging around in a secret base. A secret base was a special area that people could create in caves, special shrubs and special trees. Jessie's Granbull knew secret power and secret power had the ability to create secret bases. "Ah it's so good to have a place where we can relax," said Jessie, who was resting on a sun bed, "and we won't need to worry about anything here". "Except the fact there aren't any good pokemon here for us to send to the boss" said Meowth. "Oh don't put your tail in a twist Meowth," said Jessie "there are still plenty of places here in the Hoenn region to look for rare pokemon. So just relax". Meowth didn't think that he could relax. "Jessie's right," said James, who was on a computer, "there are still places that we haven't been yet, so our time in Hoenn isn't over yet". Meowth just sighed.

Jessie and James thought that there was nothing to worry about at the moment, but they were wrong. Outside the cave a helicopter was coming in to land, and there was a submarine that just rose out from the sea. The Helicopter had a bid red and black mark that looked like a big capital M; this helicopter belonged to Team Magma. The submarine had a big white mark that looked like a skull and cross bones, but with a spike on top; this submarine belonged to Team Aqua.

Back with the gang, the gang had just finished telling Prof Birch about what they had gone through on their journey so far, and they told him about the new pokemon they had captured. "Wow you kids seem to have got into quite a few adventures," said Prof Birch "and I hope you are in the mood for an adventure today". He explained that he was going to visit a cave that was just up ahead and asked the gang if they would like to join him. "Let's do it," Max said, at once, "it won't be every day that we'll get to explore somewhere with Prof Birch". The others agreed too, and Prof Birch led the way to the cave. What he didn't know was that the cave was where Jessie, James and Meowth had built their secret base.

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