Chapter 56-60

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Chapter 56

The Silver Conference

Today was finally the day of when the Silver Conference battles would start. The gang were in the pokemon center, and they were looking at a big chart which should what trainer will be facing who in the semi-finals. Ash was in group H and his two opponents were a girl, with reddish brown hair, and a boy with light brown hair. "Don't forget Ash," said Brock "you have to earn 3 or more points to win the round-robin tournaments". Ash hadn't forgotten that and he couldn't wait to start battling.

Once they gang were outside the pokemon center, they ran into one of Ash's opponents. It was the reddish brown haired girl, and her name was Macey from Mahogany Town. "I know you are my first opponent Ash," said Macey "and let me tell you; my fire pokemon and I will beat you in a flash". "So that means you are a fire pokemon trainer then?" asked Ash. "That's right" said Macey. Macey started talking about how she loved fire pokemon and how cool they were; just like how Misty does with water pokemon. Misty thought that Macey was annoying. "I'll see you in our battle Ash" said Macey, and she took off.

A few hours before it was Ash's time to battle Macey, the gang were in their room. Brock was using the computer to look up Macey. She was a fire pokemon trainer all right; she had a Vulpix, Quilava, Slugma, a Flareon and a Houndoom. And, to the gang's surprise, she had an Electabuzz. "She obviously uses Electabuzz to battle water type pokemon," said Misty "so what pokemon are you going to use Ash?" When Misty asked Ash about the pokemon he was going to use, Ash explained to the others that he was only going to use Pikachu and his Johto pokemon. "You see I only started with Pikachu and Lugia when we first arrived in Johto," said Ash "and as I only used Pikachu and my Johto pokemon in the gym battles. I know I used Scizor, who I caught as Scyther in Kanto, in the battle against Pryce and Dragonite in the battle against Clair, but since then I decided that I will only be using Pikachu and my Johto pokemon here in the Silver Conference". Tomo, Misty and Brock understood; sure Ash's Kanto pokemon and the pokemon he caught in the Orange Islands were strong, but it wouldn't be fair to all of his Johto pokemon after all the work they went through to help Ash get to the Silver Conference. So this was obviously their chance to show what they could do. "Will you be using Lugia and Celebi in the tournament too?" asked Tomo. "Yes I will, but not against Macey," said Ash "I've decided to use Feraligatr, Miltank and Larvitar for this". "Why Miltank?" asked Misty. "Let's just say that Miltank knows a move that will beat Macey's fire type pokemon" smiled Ash. Misty, Tomo and Brock could see from Ash's words that he had a trick up his sleeve, and they decided to wait to see what would happen in the match.

Later that day, it was time for Ash's match against Macey. It was held in stadium B. The referee explained that substitutes were allowed during the match; that was different with the Indigo league, because substituting pokemon cost the trainer a point. But this time the trainers wouldn't lose a point. Tomo, Misty and Brock were seating on the bench behind Ash.

Macey sent out her first pokemon; a Slugma. Ash thought this would happen and sent out Miltank to battle first. "Huh why is he using Miltank, instead of Feraligatr?" asked Misty. "Probably decided to use Feraligatr last just in case Macey will use Electabuzz next" said Brock. "Slugma use flamethrower on that Miltank" said Macey. "Use rollout to dodge Miltank" said Ash. Miltank start to roll when Slugma used flamethrower, and dodged it. Slugma blew flamethrower again, but Miltank just dodged it again thanks to rollout and then she tackled Slugma hard. "I recognize this strategy," said Misty "Whitney from the Goldenrod Gym did this move with her Miltank". "That's right," said Brock "so it's obvious Ash is using what he has learnt from Whitney". "Okay Slugma let's use double team" said Macey. Slugma made multiple copies of itself, and Miltank rolled into one of the copies and then she stopped rolling. "Okay Miltank let's use surf" said Ash. Miltank summoned a huge tidal wave and rode on it. The audience were surprised to see Miltank using surf. "Wow," said Misty "I've never seen a Miltank use surf before". "Me neither;" said Brock "it's obvious that's the move that Ash was telling us about". The surf attack crashed down on Slugma, destroying the copies, and then Slugma fainted. "Oh no Slugma!" shouted Macey. She didn't expect that something like this would happen.

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