The Orphaned Tyrogues, Goldenrod City Gym
And Pokeathlon
The gang were on their way to a city called Goldenrod City so that Ash could earn his third gym there. "In the guide book," said Brock "Goldenrod City is the largest city in Johto". "That sounds marvellous," said Misty "I think I'll do a nice window shop there and sight see there". Ash figured that Misty was going to say that because Misty loved to sight see and look through shops. Just then Brock saw something in the guide book. "It says here that there is a day care center near Goldenrod City" he said. "Really?" asked Misty "then let's visit it before we go to Goldenrod City". "Yeah I want to visit too," said Brock "I would love to see some pokemon eggs". Tomo wanted to go too. Ash agreed to the idea; besides he hadn't seen pokemon eggs for a while ever since Togepi and his Eevees hatched.
They soon came to the day care center; it was a pretty smart building with a garden for pokemon to walk through. They introduced themselves to the elderly couple who ran it and asked them if they could see the pokemon and eggs. "Of course you younglings can" said the old man. "We are always happy to show trainers the pokemon and eggs we raise here" said the old woman. There were many baby pokemon in the day care center. There were a Wooper, a Togepi, a Spinarak, a Magby, an Elekid, a Teddiursa, an Aipom and a Sentret. There was also a ladybird type pokemon called Ledyba, a bug pokemon, and also two small pink pokemon that were dancing with each other. The old man explained that those two small pink pokemon were called Cleffa and Igglybuff. Ash found out on his pokedex that Cleffa was the pre-evolved form of Clefairy, and Igglybuff was the pre-evolved form of Jigglypuff. "Ahh these pokemon are so cute" said Misty. She didn't like Spinarak but she liked the other pokemon. Tomo started to play with the baby pokemon at once. "Do be careful with them Tomo" said Ash.
Next the elderly couple showed the gang a room where they kept pokemon eggs. There were shelves full of colourful eggs, all tucked up in nests. "Wow," said Ash "I've never seen so many pokemon eggs in one place in all my life". "Me neither" said Misty. Brock sighed in bliss; being surrounded with baby pokemon and eggs was a pokemon's doctor dream come true. "My wife and I love our job of caring pokemon eggs and raising baby pokemon" said the old man. "I understand why," said Brock "besides who wouldn't want to be surrounded by pokemon eggs and cute baby pokemon?" "What my favourite part is watching the pokemon eggs hatch" said the old woman. She was carrying a yellow egg, with a big black pattern, in her arms. "I know what you mean" said Ash. He told them about the times when his Dratini and two Eevees hatched from their eggs. Then Misty told them about the time when her Togepi hatched from her egg. "Hatching your own pokemon egg hatch is always a happy time for trainers" smiled the old man.
Suddenly the yellow and black egg in the old woman's arms started to glow. "Hey that means it's going to hatch" said Brock. The old woman placed the egg down on a table and both she, her husband and the gang watched as the egg started to hatch. The egg hatched into a small yellow pokemon, with black stripes, and it looked like Pikachu only smaller. "It's a Pichu" said the old man.
Ash looked at Pichu on the pokedex: Pichu, the tiny mouse pokemon. The pre-evolved form of Pikachu. The electric sacs on Pichu's cheeks are small. If it tries to store more electricity than they can hold, Pichu will shock itself.
"It's so cute" said Misty. Pikachu greeted his pre-evolved form and Pichu liked Pikachu at once.
Outside Team Rocket was spying on all the baby pokemon and pokemon eggs through the window. "Wow look at all of those pokemon eggs and baby pokemon" said Meowth. "They will make a good pokemon army for Team Rocket headquarters" said James. "Yes and we can keep some of them for ourselves," said Jessie "is everything set?" "Yes I got everything ready" said James.
The gang were enjoying looking at all the pokemon eggs and baby pokemon. Suddenly four grey pokemon that looked like small warriors entered the room. "Hello there Tyrogues" said the old man.

Ash's Pokémon Journey
Fiksi PenggemarThis Story is about how I think Ash's journey through Kanto, Orange Islands, Johto, Hoenn, Sinnoh and Unova should have been. With more pokemon. Smart, Psychic and Aura Ash. No Kalos and Aloha