Tyrones dream

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On the walk home I start to wonder if I should tell Rory and Grey of last night's dream, but I decide against it. I don't want them to panic and be afraid, I mean don't even know if it was a premonition. For all I know my gift may not have been developed when it happened. But what if it was? Because we are born with our gifts after all. I decide against telling them anyway and instead try to forget that night. As I walk in the front door and begin putting up my jacket the thought hits me. I can see the past or future of literally anything! All I have to do is find someone to tutor me on how to work this thing. A smile finds its way to my lips and I excitedly run up the stairs to my room. I grab my bag and pull out Gifts for Dummies. Setting the bulky book on my bed I begin flipping through the pages until I come across a page of contacts saying call for more information, so naturally I do exactly as it says. I make call after call trying to find someone experienced and willing to give me lessons but to no avail. Just as I'm about to give up my quest I come across something.

Fionn Egghead- Master of Space and all things fun. Call for more information

Picking up my smart phone I dial the number, waiting impatiently to be answered.

One ring. I pick at my nails, excitement and nervous energy mixing. Two rings. I can feel my heart speed up. On the third ring someone answers.
"You've reached the Egghead house of Magic." The voice says.
"I-Is is this Professor Fionn?"
"Aye, what might I be doin' for ye?" I can't help but notice Fionn's Scottish accent.
"My name is Tyrone Rosewood. I was wondering if you could offer any tutoring lessons on the gift of Space?"
"Ah a son of the council I hear. Aye, I may have time to fit in lessons for a knowledgeable young lad like yerself. Meet me at the BlackJack Cafè in half an hour."
"Thank you sir!" I smile as I put down my phone and hurry to get ready. I shower, brush my teeth and hair and do all the necessary things in less than ten minutes. Feeling proud I reward myself with a leftover slice of pizza from dinner last night ignoring the fact that it's cold. Then I set off on my way.


When I arrive at the Blackjack Cafè I adjust my sweater vest and order myself a Caramel Cappuccino with extra whipped cream. I walk around the cafè absentmindedly and only have enough time to take a couple sips before Fionn arrives.
"I'm looking fer Tyrone Rosewood" I hear a short stocky man say, his hair is a fiery red and he looks like he could walk right under me. He looked to be around 5'0" even then I may be being generous. I walk over and introduce myself offering a handshake he has a firm grip and always makes eye contact.
We find an empty table and take our seats. "Do you want anything to drink?" I ask kindly offering to pay. "Aye I'll take a black coffee with a shot of whiskey" I look at him appalled, my stomach getting queasy at the thought of black coffee. But I say nothing and repeat his order to the waitress along with some lemon scones and another Cappuccino for myself.
As we wait for our orders he quizzes me on everything I've learned so far and gives me tips on how to focus on whatever task the tips including to relax and let my mind be completely clear of all thoughts while allowing my mind to drift through time and space. Fionn can already see as far back as he wants to and as far forward as he wants. Whereas I can only see a day at most. By the end of the meeting I can already glimpse into the recent past of whomever is the object of my attention. I thank him after setting up our next meeting then I head home and practice everything I've learned.

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