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I sit by the fire in the center of the camp, watching as the leaves toss into it shrivel up and burn. Everyone else has already locked themselves away in their tents and most are probably already asleep. My mind feels like a hurricane is wrecking through it. I can feel anxious energy running through my veins and I can't help but tap my feet. My gift is emotion... My mind drifts to memories of my childhood and all the times leading up to this moment. I've always been known to be emotional, and I've always thought myself to have a strong sense of empathy, but why in the name of pancakes (or waffles) did I never think of Emotion as my gift? I feel a pang of frustration towards myself for not thinking of this sooner.
"Rory, mind if I join you?"
I jump and turn around startled before I notice Ty standing at the mouth of his tent. "Oh, sure go ahead Ty." He makes his way over to the log I'm seated on and sits beside me. "How are you doing Rory?" Ty asks me gently. "I'm okay, just a lot to take in I guess. I've spent two years of my life thinking I was broken or an outcast or something and that I may spend the rest of my life without a gift. Then today changed everything...remember what the Dissidents told us about the Council? That meeting.. they were going to kill me Ty...they were going to kill anyone who's late to get their gift." I fight the tears that threaten to spill and run down my cheeks. My eyes are cast to the ground. I feel Ty's arm wrap around me as his fingers rub my back. "It's going to be okay Rory, you're safe here. I will never let them hurt you. I swear on my life." I feel my heart speed up and butterflies flutter in my stomach. I dare to look up and find him watching me, his eyes gentle and full of some emotion I don't recognize. "Thank you Ty.." My voice trails off in unspoken words. I meet his eyes and smile, trying to hide a shiver that runs through me as his fingers trail down my back.
"You know, you two are kind of cute together after all."
We both jump up and Ty removes his arm, his face turning red in both anger and embarrassment. "Damn you Grey!" I see Grey break out in laughter and try to suppress a laugh of my own. Ty is so adorable when he's angry. Grey comes and joins us plopping down on the log between Ty and myself. "Fine night out here tonight." Says Grey to break the silence. "Anyone up for smoes?"
My laugh finally breaks loose and before long even Ty is beginning to laugh again. Thank the heavens for the gift of Emotion. "Grey, I think you mean Smores. And besides that we're out in the middle of the woods, how do you think you're going to find the ingredients to make them?"
Grey just smiles and gets up. I watch as he walks to a tree ripping some bark off, then he goes and collects some dried leaves, and finally he picks some very floofy  wishing flowers. My stomach churns. "Grey...how exactly are we going to use that to make Smoe-smores?" I see a smirk appear on his face and he just walks back to the fire and sits down. Grabbing a handful of wishing flowers he holds them in his palm and his breathing slows. Surprise fills me when I see the flowers changing. They get bigger and fluffier until they literally turn into marshmallows the size of a small grapefruit. Setting them on a plate he picks up the leaves, I watch in awe as they too change and before long where the leaves once were there is now a pile of mouthwatering, rich chocolate pieces-the perfect size for the marshmallows. The same follows for the bark, turning into cinnamon sprinkled Graham crackers. My face turns red when my stomach audibly grumbles. "Appealing now?" Grey teases obviously feeling smug about his magic act. Ty gathers sticks to roast the marshmallows and we all happily chat as we make delicious smoes-the most delicious smoes I've ever had; especially taking into consideration the fact they just came from the woods as something completely different.
Then the darkness comes. Out goes the fire, giving way to the bone chilling cold of the winter. I see a light coming from beside me and look over to see Grey with fire coming from his hand a furious look in his eyes. Then I hear a man laugh, and when I follow Grey's eyes I see a man I know all to well. Erin Rosewood-Ty's father. "What are you doing here?" I hear Grey ask, venom in every letter of every word. "You three seemed to have miss the big meeting, and as any father would be I was worried about my son and the well-being of his two closest friends. So of course I use common sense and call upon the greatest hunter known to the Territory and track you all down. Too bad by the way, we had a special treat for Rory." My mouth tastes sour and I feel nausea at those words. "Now the question is, what brings you kids out here?" Erin asks.
"I don't believe we owe you any explanation Erin." Grey takes a protective step in front of Ty and myself. "Oh really? These woods are out of Territory grounds, meaning you all have broken a very big rule in the book. I believe this gives me every right to know what caused such treason. But me being the great ruler I am, I am willing to make a deal with you. Come back to the capital and explain yourselves and I'll let you go. Rory can even receive the surprise she missed before."
"We know what you were really planning Dad. If you so much as touch a hair on her beautiful head I will personally make your life a living hell." Ty says, stepping forward and putting me behind him. "My own son, betraying me? How the tables have turned!" Erin laughs snuggly and his eyes grow dark. "Looks like we will just have to kill you all." Ice shards shoot from the ground and I hear a deafening scream that makes my head buzz and my vision blurs. I frantically look to my left to find Grey lying on the ground with a gaping hole through his stomach. Blood making the frozen ground around him crimson and warm. I sense the fear and sorrow and anger radiating from him and do my best to fill him with happiness. Suddenly my body is frozen and I can't move. Cold fills my body and I notice a small boy standing behind Erin with sadness in his eyes as he freezes my body. Then another boy seemingly the first one's twin steps in and I watch as decaying bodies begin to make their way out of the ground beneath Ty. No! Please don't kill the boy I love... My thoughts fade away along with the world until all that's left is....darkness.

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