The Ceremony

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(Hey Immortal fans! This is a new book we're working on so feel free to give us your input on how you like it or any opinions you have! Remember to vote and comment!)


I hear a scream.

I can't stop my feet from sprinting as I make my way through the shadows of these woods. I know they're behind me but I don't look back in fear of stumbling over the many roots scattered along the ground. I glance back in search of Rory and Grey to find them behind me. I let out a sigh of relief and begin to face forward once again. It is then that I see them.

I wake up in a panic gasping for air and shaking. I take a glance at my calendar and realize today is the day. Today is the day that will change my life forever, the day my gift will be revealed. I cant help but smile as I hop out of bed and begin preparing for the day. I swing open my closet door and look for my nicest suit for the ceremony and for the benefit of catching her attention. I slip into the white suit and look in the mirror pushing up my glasses. "You will notice me today Rory."



Happiness engulfs me as I prepare breakfast for the family. Today is the day Ty's gift will be revealed! I begin humming to myself as I finish my morning routine of breakfast, cleaning dishes, and begin my preparation for the day.

I head to my room and begin my search for something to wear to the ceremony. I rummage through the various dresses and skirts and shake my head. None of this is good enough to impress Ty-I mean the council. Then I see it, the perfect dress for the ceremony. The dress is a deep crimson made of silky flowing fabric that compliments my strawberry blonde hair. I try it on and smile feeling so elegant and important, briefly forgetting about my own predicament. Because I am a late bloomer after all.



"Grey can you help with this?"
I sigh as I slip on my jacket completing my preparation for the ceremony, and head over to the main room to help Rory's father finish closing up the shop. I leave the shop and smile. Today the little dudes gift is revealed. Remembering my hat I hurriedly put it on before someone notices the white streak that deems itself way to noticeable against my jet black hair.



I'm sitting here more nervous than I've ever been as I wait for the ceremony to begin. I wipe my sweaty palms on the pants of my suit, and wonder what gift I have. Reaching into the hidden pocket of the suit I pull out Gifts For Dummies and begin to read:

Chapter One-The introduction of the gifts

There are ten gifts one may be born with-

1. Understanding-The gift of understanding grants one the ability to know the thoughts and emotions of their object of interest. Allowing them to have better empathy and understand their reasoning.

2. Communication- This gift literally allows the bearer to communicate to and with anything living. (Maybe even having the power of persuasion)

3. Space- This gift allows the bearer to see the future or past at will.

4. Emotion- This ability allows the bearer to set an aura of any emotion around themselves and others .

5. Hunter- This ability allows the bearer to track and kill anything or anyone as needed.

6. Necromancy- This gift allows the bearer to bring back the dead to fight beside them when ever they want or need. Or even to simply communicate with whomever they desire (the deceased anyway)

7. Life- This gift allows the bearer to manipulate cells of any living thing including themselves. Allowing them to heal, destroy or even shape shift.

8. Energy- This gift allows the bearer to create electricity at will and summon lighting.

9. Elements- this gift allows the bearer to control the elements earth air water and fire as needed.

10. Havoc- This gift allows the bearer to control all of the other gifts at one time it is the most rare of all the gifts and it also allows the bearer to teleport

I sit up and close my book as the ceremony begins. One by one they called people back, each person spent an hour in there and I was last to go. I look over at where Rory and Grey are, I immediately notice Rory and she looks absolutely gorgeous. She smiles and waves, I try to wave back but I'm to captivated by her beauty. I snap out of it when I hear my name, I am called into the room. I walk in and find myself before five council members. As I sit in the designated chair and I hear the machine above me buzz to life. I am hooked up to a jumble of wires and a video begins to play of everything I've done since I was born. When they finally finish an entirety of two hours has passed-longer than the others. They turn on the lights and say "Tyrone Rosewood after a review of your life and soul we have determined the gift you poses is the gift of space.". I nod and calmly leave but when I meet up with Grey and Rory I tell them about my gift and the things I can do. I'm beyond excited about it and can barely contain myself. Then I remembered this mornings dream.

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