6. Just The Beginning

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Chapter Six: Just The Beginning

My eyes fluttered open, not at all tired from my 2 hour sleep. Who could sleep when your head is filled with worries? I know I can't. I gently twisted my body to see a sleeping Jace beside me, stroking his cheeks. "Thanks for everything Jace." I whispered and using my elbow to lift me up, I gently placed a kissed on his cheek.
I lifted Jace hands that was currently wrapped around my waist and as quietly as I could, I stood from the bed and walked down the stairs. Tiptoeing to the garage, I lifted the door and entered the dark room. I switch the light on and in front of me was my red 963 hp ferrari hybrid hypercar that I've been fixing for the past 6 months.
I pressed the button and my baby was suddenly lifted from the ground. I used the rolling mat and slid myself under the car I was working on. After 1 hour of cleaning the bottom, I decided to check the motor if anything goes wrong when I'm using this while I'm on the road. The engine was as perfect as perfect can be defined in my vocabulary. I examined my car one more time, always noticing every little greatness about it.
The head light had very shiny light that any pedestrians think their looking at an angel itself and the doors opened in a different angle. Instead of a normal door opening forward, my door would open and rise up like a bird ready to fly. It's windows were spotless and the wheels would glow when you start the engine.
I mentally thanked Jace for making me obsessed with cars but also thanking him for helping me learn every little fact about them. Once I finished everything I needed later to drive, I walked back up stairs and went to our room. Planting myself on the bed, I felt Jace presence. His hands immediately found my waist and wrapped it around in a protective manner. I leaned into his touch and wishing that moments like these last forever.
"Are you guys ready?" I asked them while getting in my car with Jace sitting on the passenger seat.
Jamie hopped in with the twins David and Dylan that was a new member 2 years ago and Chad got in his own car. Five other pack members came along for back up and hopped in on one vehicle. In total we brought four vehicles.
"Whenever you are!" They all replied. I looked behind me and looking in my rear view mirror, cars where lined perfectly.
"Here we go" I whispered more to myself, Im leading them to my worst nightmare. I started the engine and my car roar to life, in seconds we were on the road.
All the cars were following me but all I could think about was what would I say to them after all these years. Will they still think I'm the fat girl that couldn't kick butt? I shook the thought away and kept driving.
We drove all day and arrived at the town I so wanted to forget the next day around one in the afternoon (It was a two day trip). Jace made a call to the 'alpha of Blood Diamond Pack 2 hours ago before we arrived at the boarder so we have permission to enter their territory.
The old town I grew up in hadn't changed one bit, stores were still small like usual and bricks were breaking like how I left them 3 years ago. So many eyes were staring at our direction, mostly me. My hands started to slip from the wheel and my breath was uneven.
Stop freaking out Gabriella! Stop freaking out! I mentally yelled at myself, repeating it over and over again. I closed my eyes to take a deep breath and placed one of my hand on my chest to calm my heart beat but it was long enough to make my car swerve a bit. A hand was placed on top of mine that was currently on my chest calming my heart. I looked down and totally remembered that Jace was with me in the same car. "Calm down Gabriella," he told me. I nodded but couldn't form a word.
I looked around the surroundings and noticed that the pack house was closer than I thought. Not being ready like I am, I looked at Jace with apologetic eyes, "I'm sorry but can I have some time alone and say hi to the pack later when I'm ready?" I asked him.
He looked at me hesitantly but nodded anyways. "I'll drop you off right at the front door but I'm leaving and will be wondering around the town for a little bit."
"Gabriela don't drop me off at the front step, I'll ride with Chad and I'll go with him okay?" He smiled at me. I nodded and stopped the car, letting the other vehicles behind me know that I'm pulling over. The car behind me pulled over as well.
'Is something wrong Katherine?" Dylan mind linked me, his the only one that calls me by my middle name. I looks at the rear view mirror and saw Dylan and everyone else with worry written all over their faces.
'I will explain everything but right now Gabriella needs to think things through for a little bit.' Jace mind linked everyone. They all said yes and some said okay.
I thanked Jace and asked, "Can you not tell them about me being here just yet?" He nodded and gave me a quick peck on the cheek. I smiled gratefully at him and bid my goodbyes to everyone.
'The pack house is on the left side of the Forrest and since there is two buildings, the biggest one is where you should enter,' I informed them through the mind link.
When Jace hopped in with Chad, I drove to the only place I go when I need a place to think and pretend that the real world didn't exit. The cliff on the south side. I drove and once I arrived at my destination I got off the car and sat on the hard rock floor.
The view was breath taking. The ocean blue water were creating beautiful waves that surfers would love to surf on, the wind felt so refreshing just hitting my face. Most of all the forest behind me that humans usually get lost to finding a way back home.
I took in the scenery and hoped that life was this peaceful. That people doesn't have to torment any more human beings to get pleasure out of it. To just sit back and enjoy Mother Nature. Love the creation she build and everything that came along with it.
But who am I to talk when I hate Mother Nature herself. I hate her for giving me a mate that doesn't give a fadoodle about me or a pack that ironically have to come back when my life finally is going well. Faith has ways to really hurt you huh?
"Stephan they're here." Kyle informed me. I nodded, "have you found her body yet?" He asked me with hopeful sad eyes.
Ever since we got informed of Gabriella's news that she left and 3 hours later she died from drowning herself. Kyle, the pack and I have been looking for her body. 3 years had pass and yet we still had no luck. Most of the pact regretted what they did to Gabriella but Carly. She was so thrilled when she found out about our dead pack member and that's why I kicked her out. Now she's running rogue for 3 years.
"I'm sorry Kyle but we didn't find anything." I said with sadness lacing in my voice and eyes, not just for him but for me. It was cruel of me to do that to her specially rejecting her in front of the pack. That was so stupid of me to do, I guess popularity took the better of me and that's why I hate myself for it.
She didn't deserve that and if I could get one more chance, I would do everything it takes to make her fall in love with me and not betray her. I would do what mates do to their other half. I would love and cherish her from the pinnacle of her head to the underside of her toes.
If only I had one more chance...
"Thanks." He said and left my office. I got up from my seat and just when I was about to put my suit jacket the door swung open and in walk Ashley.
"Hey." She greeted me, her hips swaying with her really short plaid skirt. Her top barely covering her chest and stomach. "Aren't you going to ask me something?" She walked over to me and started trailing her manicured hands on my chest. I have to admit that Ashley is super hot, her curly blond hair framing her face perfectly and her long tan legs was beyond sexy while her blue eyes compliments her red heart shape lips. Yes, she is way hotter than Gab but their is more than body when it comes to Gabriella. She has a nice heart that only certain people receive.
I looked at Ashley with questioning eyes. "What?" I asked her while grabbing her hand to stop caressing my chest.
"Oh you know, the masquerade that we've been planing for like a year." She said sarcastically, venom clear in her voice. Well she's mad that I forgot the dance.
"Oh." I said with boredom in my voice. I walked pass her and opened the door leading me to where my guest are at.
"Oh?" She said dramatically, "that's all your going to say when you forgot about that stupid dance?" I nodded and she followed me down the stairs and into the front door. "Stephan!" She yelled, irritated by my actions.
"Will you stop it!" I yelled back, "I have a guest that is willing to help us with the problem that we need to fix not this dance. In fact, you did says its a 'stupid dance' right?"
She grabbed my wrist and stopped me from moving away from her. "Please, I already prepared everything and its all set." She said pleadingly, "all you need to do is say these words "will you be my date?"
"Sure. Why not." I said to her and smiled.
"So are you going to ask me?" She asked.
"Didn't you already asks me? Why would I asked you again." I told her in a duhh tone. What happened next astound me.
"Your such a bastard Stephan!" She yelled and stomped her feet. She ran up the stairs and slammed our bedroom door shut.
"Wow." I whispered out of breath. Not thinking about the event that just happened, I walked to the front door when I heard the bell rang.
Opening the door, three vehicles were parked in front of the pack house. I thought there would be four? One person I think is the alpha came out of the passenger inside the blue CAMARO SS followed by the driver who I assume is the beta. Everyone else followed, in total of 10 people arrived.
The alpha who agreed to help us came towards me, he smelled so good like strawberries and Forrest green, what am I saying? I'm not turning gay for this guy, his not cute. He examined my appearance. I was wearing a button down shirt with dress pants, but forgetting about my blazer that I was distracted to wear. He brought his hands out and so did I. We both shook hands but his hold was too firm or was I imagining it? "Jace, alpha of The Moonlight Lycans," he said monotone.
"Hi!" I greeted him with enthusiasm, total opposite of his greating. "I'm the alpha of The Blood Diamond pack, Stephan."
The other pack members examined me. They all smelled like their alpha. Did they all had sex with him? Shaking that dirty thought off I noticed one of the pack members showed hatred clearly written on his face. "And you must be?" I asked everyone even the stink eye guy.
"Jamie!" a pretty black hair with blue eyes said. She looks exactly like the alpha, she must me the sister.
"Chad." The beta who came out of the same car as the alpha and also who gave me the stink eye. He had blond hair and baby blue eyes.
"Charlie." A brunette guy with dark brown eyes. He had the same name as Charlie that use to be my third in command but he died after the surprise attack.
"David and this is my brother Dylan." Two guys who look exactly a like. I can't even tell the difference. They both had brown hair and blue eyes. The other five also introduced themselves.
"Our gamma and the person who is going to train you will arrive late." Alpha Jace informed me.
"Alright, but you should tell him that we will have a masquerade ball that is being held by Ashley tonight at 8." I told told him and if looks could kill I would've been buried 6 ft under the American soil.
"Her. My gamma is a girl and my girlfriend so if you plan on doing anything to hurt her I will kill you." Jace threatened. Okay what's up with this pack? Why are they so rude?
"Sorry. Didn't know it would be a girl that is training my pack." I said through clench teeth. I took all my will power to not yell and keep my wolf as calm as possible. He doesn't like taking orders from anyone. "And don't worry, I wouldn't go for a mated girl."
"We're not true mates but she is mine." He said, "why are you having a party anyways? Don't you think we should train and focus on how to fight back to hunters and rogues."
"Yes but everyone is so stress out that I think people in the pack should cool off. This will help them calm down when we start training." I answered his question as truthfully as I could.
"Okay then." He started, "I'll tell her to buy a dress while she's out." Then he left and he probably mind linked her girlfriend. I still couldn't help myself but sniff him when he walked by me. Something's not right. I recognize that smell, I just couldn't point out who smells like that.
I was enjoying the view when I heard Jace called me through the mind link. 'Gabby, baby?'
'Hey! How was it?' I replied mentally. I walked to my car, Jace probably wanting me to come back even though I'm not yet ready.
'Your right! His a total ass, but he did tell us that they're holding a masquerade ball tonight at 8.' Jace said, he sound pissed.
'You okay Jace? Did something happen?' I asked questions after another, worried was evident in my voice.
'Ya I'm fine but you do need to get a dress. Jamie will meet you at a store.' He said then blocked me out of his mind linked, not even waiting for me to say my goodbye. Okay what was that?
'Gabriella? This is Jamie. I'll see you at Jones New York'
'See ya there' I replied and hopped in my car. "I have a feeling it's just the beginning." I said to myself. "Prepare yourself Gabriella, for everything that's going to come your way."
I took a deep breath and drove to Jones New York. "Here we go."
Authors Note:
Hey wattpaders! Sorry for the late update but I got it finished! I hope you guys enjoyed this because I love writing this chapter. Tell me what you think will happen next?
Please -
So I know if I should still continue. Thank you again and I will update if 40 people read this chapter.

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