1. Escaping My Nightmare

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Chapter One: Escaping My Nightmare

"You should really stop eating, your gaining so much pound then needed." Carly continued, "your a werewolf for god sakes, your not supposed to be obese. Your so fat!" She laughed and everyone else in the kitchen laughed along with her. A tear was forming in my eyes but I won't let it slip. I should be use to this, come on Gabriella!

"Come on Carls, do you actually think she's good enough to be a werewolf?" Kyle giggled. "Werewolves are fit, she's far from that!"

"Guys come on, stop making fun of the fat ass! She has stuff to do, things to clean..." The asshole himself spoke. "Come on Gab! You don't have all day!!" He screamed using his alpha voice.

Before 2 weeks ago I didn't mind him using his alpha tone on me, but ever since then my wolf didn't like it. She felt as if he was treating her like one of the packs. I honestly didn't understand her, he's suppose to treat us like one of the pack members. Nothing more, nothing less.

A burning sensation came from my cheeks and my train of thoughts disappeared. I went back to reality and faced the bitch herself in front of me. Carly had a sly smirk planted on her lips and her hand was in slapping position.

I guess she was the one that slapped me. "Earth to Gab! You have things to do..."

Stephan came beside Carly and whispered "Carly lets go. We have some unfinished business in the bedroom." Clearly everyone heard him.

He looked back at me and spoke using his alpha tone, again. "And Gab, clean the backyard. I want a clean field when my boys and our neighbour pack comes and play football with us." With that he grabbed Carly's hand and pulled her up the stairs to his bed room.

After what felt like 3 minutes staring into space, Kyle clapped his hands in front of my face. "You heard what the alpha said... Go! Go! Go!" he coed.

I stood up from the stool I was sitting on and started walking when I tripped over something, or more like someone. A loud thud was heard and Kyle's laughter was echoing around the room. I quickly stood up but fell back down again making Kyle laugh twice as hard as before.

A tear finally slip down my eyes, I can't believe my own brother would do this to me. Wiping my tear, I lifted myself up again but this time not falling. I run out of the room to my bedroom and dropped myself on the bed. From there on, the tears came flooding out.

After a good cry, I washed myself and left my room to clean the backyard. It was big for a normal yard and seemed like a football field. I started cutting the grass, then raking and finally turning the sprinklers on. Looking at my watch it was almost 6 and the game starts at 7.

I entered the pack house and started to walk to my room peacefully but not before I was interrupted. "Is it clean enough for us to play?"

Seriously? the field would get dirty anyways since you guys play like a bull trying to catch the red flag. Instead of saying my thoughts out loud, I nodded. I started to walk to my room again, escaping perfectly in the process but of course good things come to an end. "Can't you talk? Answer me with respect!"

I swallowed the clump in my throat and let out the breath i didn't know I was holding. I bowed my head and spoke "Yes alpha." Then looked back up. In the corner of my eyes I saw him nod. When I walked passed him, I accidentally brushed my arm agains his.

Electricity went over drive were he touched me. I felt like fireworks exploded and it was just us in the world.


The was all I heard inside me. It was like a broken record that keeps repeating non stop. "Your my mate!" I screamed. He looked horrified, like he just found out that the world was going to end.

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