Change hits the family

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A/N: Hey guys thank you for getting me to 1.5k reads. I appreciate you all for it! I got a huge smile as soon as I got on here this morning and seen that y'all had blew up the notifications. XX FluffyEmoKitty


Julie's p.o.v.

I was making breakfast when Caroline walked down the stairs. She looked upset. I can't talk about it though because she will talk bad about the family. I know that I am not supposed to punish Hunter's girl but in this case I will if she so much as gives me a hint she isn't grateful for what my family has done for her. She has settled in well, but she has her times where she gets really disrespectful. Jimmy walked in the front door and smiled his lopsided smile. I love this man with all that I am. We aren't as young as we used to be but we are still happy. I am content with my life here with my family. I have a son who is happily married and a daughter who is almost of age to be married. I kissed Jimmy's cheek softly as he wrapped his arms around me. 

"Julie I went to the doctor's office and I have to go back in a week to have an MRI done to see if I have cancer." He said with a sad look.

"Jimmy, you will be okay I have full faith in you. If you have cancer then we will work through it until you get better and if you don't I will still be here because I love you and nothing will ever change that."

He gave me a half smile that showed his sadness.  He will always be my husband and nothing will ever change my feelings for him. I wrapped my arms around him and gave him a kiss on his chest. 

Hunter's p.o.v.

Caroline is still upset over the whole no baby girl's situation, but she will get over it.  I smiled at her as she walked down the stairs. She is so beautiful I just wish that she would be more behaved. She makes me happy I just don't want to have to hurt her in any way and f she has a girl then she will get hurt. I took a shower while Caroline and mom made breakfast.

Jimmy's p.o.v.

I woke up before Julie was up. I have to go to the doctor to check and see if I have anything wrong with me. I waited forever it seemed until the young nurse called my name. I walked into the room and she gave me a cute smile. I smiled back at her. She is cute but not enough to ever make me want her. No one will ever be wanted more than my Julie. She gave me a regular check up type thing. I waited for her to finish before I stood up. She flinched as if she was scared of me, she probably is. Everyone who has been alive more than 25 years seems to be. Some people younger than that are scared to, I have been in the news, magazines, on T.V., I have been on every form of media that there is. 

"Sir, may I ask you a few questions?" She asked.

"Sure don't take long I have to get home to my wife." I said. 

"Why do you have that scar?" She asked.

"A person cut my face during a kill years ago." I said

"Oh what way did you kill? Was it quick?"

" Depends."

She nodded and told me to come back in a week. I left and went home. 

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