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A/N: Hey guys I know I threw out some stuff that wasn't expected last chapter but please don't hate on the book. I know it is different and when I started I had no clue what I was gonna do, I go chapter by chapter I can't plan this out or I would have given up a while ago.  Please just stick with me and in the end I promise something will happen that is good. I plan on writing this for a long time still then starting a new one that is about Hunter and his family when him and his girl. Tell me what you think in the comments. XX FluffyEmoKitty



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Julie's p.o.v.

*It is a week later*

I was in the car with Jimmy, on our way to his MRI appointment. I am nervous and scared as hell about this. I don't want him to have any form of cancer but if he does I will still be his girl. Nothing will make me feel differently about him. I held his hand as we got out of the truck and headed into the building. He told the receptionist his name and we sat down and waited. 

"Julie, I love you no matter what happens." 

" I love you to Jimmy." I told him.

"Julie if I have cancer then promise me it won't change things between us, that you will always be my girl." he said.

"Jimmy nothing could ever change my feelings for you ever." I smiled at him as I said this. 

"Good. I will miss you if it happens and I die. I feel as if I do have something wrong, maybe it is cancer maybe it isn't but something is wrong." He told me and a tear ran down my cheek.

 He wiped it away as they called him back and I followed him back, scared to leave his side. The young nurse smiled at him and gave me a dirty look. She obviously has a thing for my husband but I know he would never cheat on me. I held his hand tightly. The nurse made me sit in a chair on the side of the room and had him lay on a table thing for his MRI. I waited and fell asleep while he got this done. He woke me up about an hour after he went into the machine. 

"Julie sweety I am so sorry..." He looked at his feet as he said this.

"Babe what is it?" I started to worry.

"I, I um, I have cancer.." He trailed off crying. 

I hugged him close. "Love we will be okay, we will make it through this." I told him.

I have to be strong for him. I have to be strong for my family. I have to tell him  what he wants to hear and needs to hear. He started to cry and i held him close. Jimmy never cries, I have seen him cry only one other time, when Chloe was born. He cried as he picked her up, knowing he was supposed to snap her neck. He couldn't do it he held her and cried saying he loves her. 

"Julie,it is in my brain, liver and, lungs. I won't make it." He cried into my hair. 

I rubbed his back. "Shh it is ok, we will be ok. I'm not leaving, I will always be here." I told him. 

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