Never Going Home

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A/N: You guys I realize that this isn't like the original books also I started this before the third book came out so please stop saying that I am doing it wrong this is my book and while based off of those it is different and will remain different. Also, I suggest you listen to the song with this thank you for reading and stay weird kittens!


Chloe's p.o.v. 

I got up from the table and headed out the door walking to the curb waiting on Cason. He eventually showed up in his old black truck. I smiled as I got in. 

"Hey baby, Are you okay?" Cason asked

"Yeah but um I'm not looking forward to this, I'm going to miss my family..." I said trailing off

"Sorry, babe is there anything I can do to help you through this easier?" He asked me

"Um yeah, can I keep doing the family tradition stuff?" I asked him

He knows about the cannibalism and that type of stuff

"Baby I don't think that is a good idea you're pregnant and it can't be good for the baby," he said

"Cason, I grew up like that my mom ate that stuff I am just fine the kid will be fine," I told him

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