Breaking Up

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Marco's POV

   I sat in bed texting Alfonzo. Supposedly, he saved a puppy from being attacked by a bird. He kept texting me and sending me pictures, and I couldn't avoid it forever. "Well, if you want, I could bring over the laser puppies to play with Chica," I read as I texted him. "Sounds good. Maybe next Sunday?" I replied with a Sure, and set my phone down.

(MAGIC Time skip)

After dinner, I waltzed back upstairs. I was happy. No. More than happy. I was bouncing up and down in pure excitement. Star was finally back. We joked, laughed, smiled. It was so nice to be able to talk to her without her shutting me out. I plopped onto my bed, scrolling through the messages on my phone. "Hm?" I asked myself as soon as I saw a missed call from Jackie. 

I hit the return call button, placing my phone to my ear so I can talk to her.

"Hey Jackie, what's up?"
"Marco, you are an amazing guy but..."
"But what? Where's this going?"
"Marco, I know Star still loves you. And I know you love her."

I felt all the color drain from my face

"Me and her are just friends!"

'Oh really?'
'Shut it Diaz!'

"Marco, you love her. Admit it. You two belong, you were destined to be."
"Are... You breaking up with me?"

Tears slipped down as soon as she said me and Star belong together.

'See? Jackie agrees.'

"Gosh, you sound like my conscience now"
"Mhm. Look, I felt like our relationship is dying, and I am starting to have feelings for Oscar."
"Oscar?! The keytarist?"
"Yeah, look I have to go. And also... Tell Star how you feel about her before it's too late."
"W-what do you mean?"
"Goodbye Marco."

As soon as the line went dead, I shove my face into my bed crying. 'You know what she means Marco.' The voice echoed in my head, making me continue to cry. "Star.." I cried, "Why is this happening?" I was talking to no one directly, but I knew someone heard me. That person was me.

'Marco, you love her. You may not know it yet, but you two have a bond far greater then any other. Not to mention, the Red Moon Ball combined your souls together. You two were meant to be. Every God damn fangirl knows that!'


(Yep. Diaz's conscience broke the fourth wall...)

'Err nothing. Just admit it.'

I stayed silent for a moment, my tears dried up.
"Okay." I stated...

"I LOVE STAR BUTTERFLY!" I declared, running into the front yard. What I saw though, was absolutely terrifying.

 What I saw though, was absolutely terrifying

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