England x Neko! Reader

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You run down the street. You don't know for how long you ran, but you were pretty sure you had been running for a while, for you were on the other side of town. You pass by a very tall building, looking up with your (E/C) catlike orbs.

You continue to run, but when you about to pass by the huge building completely, you feel a tug on your sparkly blue prom dress. You fall to the ground, dress ripping along the leftside at midthigh.

Men started coming out of the building. You rip the trailing piece of fabric the rest of the way off. (don't worry your a** is not showing) you start running again, tears still brimming your eyes you don't even take five steps before you bump into two... wait no... three handsome looking men.

"S-sorry," you stutter. Your eyes brimming with tears, and your face is flushed from both running and blushing from looking at these boys.

You start to take off again, but a French accent stops you, saying, "Ma Cherie, might I ask why such a lovely young lady is crying? You seem very upset, is there something I can do to help."

He had said the last sentence so suggestively you almost fainted of humiliation. Why was he being nice to you? You were a freak of nature to others. It hurt you. You had to walk around with a hat on all the time and keep your tail hidden at all times, which really hurt considering you had to hide it in skinny jeans!!

'They probably just want to get me close then auction me off like all the others!!' you think angrily. 'Not this time!! No, Sir! I won't fall for it this time!'

"No," you say. "I'm f-fine, thank you."

"Are you sure?" says a German accent, causing you to whip your head around as fast as you can. You see the white haired man, though he looked to be in his early twenties, taking a few steps towards you. You precious tail flicked with fear, as your (fur color) ears flicked with annoyance. Then the man's ego kicked. "Because ze avezome me vould totally love to help, Frau."

"Be nice to the Chika!! Can't you tell she's upset? Why do you keep suggesting today, Gilbert?" said the Spaniard. Then he turned to you, "Are you okay, Chika? Are you hurt?" he cautiously took a few steps toward you, holding up his hands to show he is unarmed.

Then a very handsome, but loud and obnoxious man came out of the building followed my two others. He was eating a Big Mac from McDonalds and drinking a soda. "You bloody-hamburger-loving-git!!" yelled the british man with the huge, emphasis on huge, eyebrows yelled at the American.

"Bro, chill. I haven't done nothing wrong!"

"U-uhm, America, y-you actually-" said the very quiet Canadian who was rudely cut off.

"Woah, Brah, look!!" he said pointing at you. You felt very scared.

The Spaniard started walking towards you again. The Brit noticed and yelled at the trio, "What do you think you're doing you perverts? France, Prussia, and Spain... should've known. She is a lady! Lovely ladies should not be treated this way! Stop trying to seduce her!"

Could the British man not see your ears and tail?

"Woah, Man!!" yelled the American. "Why does she have ears and a tail?"

"You idiot, she's a Neko."

"What's that?" asked the American turning his head slightly to the left.

The brit facepalmed. "Half-cat, Half-human."

"Oh that's cool!!" said the American, running over and hugging you with all of his might.

You froze in fear. You didn't know how to react. This is the first time you have been accepted welcomingly.

The Brit pried the American off of you and the Candian tried to drag him away, failing epically. In the end the Canadian was the one being dragged... to get more McDoanlds.

England x Neko! ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now