Chapter 2 ^^

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You jump up as you hear England yell, "You bloody-Hamburger-Loving-Git!! How the hell did you get into my house?!?!"

"Chill, Bro! I just came over to play video games because my TV is broken." Came an American voice from down the hall.

"Yes, but that does not make it alright you wanker!! Go fix the television if you are so worried about your video games."

You slowly, quietly walk over to the bedroom door, rubbing your eyes. You crack the door slowly and watch what is going on in the hallway.

The American you had seen the other night was standing in the hallway eating a hamburger completely chill. He didn't seem to care that the Brit was getting angrier by the minute.

Arthur continued to yell at the American. "America get out of my house!! It is very disrespectful to just prance into someone's home without their permission!"

'Oh... so that's the personification of America...' you think.

"Bro-oh" said America, making the word 'Bro' a two syllable word. You giggle. America looked as though he was about to finish his sentence, but the two men had heard you giggle.

They turned and saw you peeking from behind the door. You blush knowing you have been caught. "Sorry to wake you, love."

You open the door a little farther and say, "It's fine Iggy." He blushes at the nickname you had just given him.

"'Iggy.' Never heard that one before." Then realization comes across America's face. "DU-UDE!! You're the girl from last night!!!" he ran over and glomped you as you thought 'again with the two syllable word?'

You fell to the floor from his glomp. You blush realizing America has landed on top of you. "Oh~!" says the blonde haired boy, literally two inches from your face. "Look what we have here! Hottie alert! England I don't know how you got such a cute one to like you!! Bro I never thought any girl would ever think you were as cool as I am. You got lucky this time." He got up and winked at you, walking away.

England ran over and immediately helped you up. "I am so sorry about him, dear!! He can be like that sometimes." He starts walking down the hall and you hesitantly follow. "What would you like for breakfast?"

"Umm... I don't mind make what you want." You say smiling sweetly.

"Yay~! I will make scones!! Is that alright?" he asks as though he is a small child. You nod, giggling. You supposed this was a side of him not many people saw, considering he was so polite last night, and America must burn his fuel faster than anyone else.

England rushes down the stairs and to the kitchen, being careful not to run.

America peeps his head out of a door just when you are about to go down the steps. "You shouldn't have said he could make scones..."

"Why?" you ask puzzled.

"You'll see. There's no turning back now..." he slowly slid back into the room as you raised an eyebrow in confusion. 'he is one weird boy' you think.

You go down the stairs and step into the kitchen to smell something burning. You contain your coughs from the smoke as England tells you to go sit in the living room until he is done cooking.

~Le time Skip: Brought to you by.... England's... WONDERFUL.... Cooking~

"It'sdone~" calls Iggy from the kitchen. "You can here now, Kitten!"

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