Cute BF GF moments lolz

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You sit on the couch with England. He is petting your ears rhythmically as you purr. He is reading a book to you, but you aren't really paying attention.

You two have been officially an "item" for almost two years now.

You hear a loud bang sweep throughout the house. Then, as expected, America runs into the living room with that weird look in his eye he gets when he is going to force you and your boyfriend to do something.

"What is it now you bloody wanker? Did you forget how to get to McDonalds?" England jokes. You giggle softly as you purr, because Arthur is still petting your ears.

America suddenly pulls you off of the couch along with England and says "Let's go!"

You guys end up at America's house, and there are strobe lights, loud music, and LOTS of people inside of the house.

"You git!!" yells Arthur, smacking America on the back of the head as hard as he can. "We are not going to one of you stupid parties!"

"Think again, bro! This will be fun!"

Before either of you could respond, you were ushered in the house, the strong aroma of alcohol and sweat filling your noses. America ran off with some girl to party, leaving you and Arthur alone. You look alone and see Denmark with some girl, same with France, Prussia, and Spain. Germany was trying his hardest to keep Italy away from the spiked refreshments because Italy wanted to know what it was. Canada and his Polar Bear were sitting on the floor, both drinking. Japan and the other Asian countries were off in a corner talking, while South Korea claimed the Asian countries breasts as his (even though only two of the Asian countries are females ). The rest of the Nordics were hanging out, making sure Sealand didn't go anywhere near the refreshments table. Russia was trying to get away from Belarus, and that was all you could take in before your boyfriend dragged you to the empty backyard. As you were about to walk outside, South Korea came up behind you and wrapped his arms around you. "You're breasts originated in South Korea!! So they now belong to me! Da-Ze!!"

"Im Yong Soo get off of me!!" you say, more like screamed. "My breasts belong to me."

With that Im Yong Soo went off to sulk in the corner.

You step outside and walk over to the British man by the tall willow tree (I have always wanted one of those in my yard ).

You wrap your arms around his waist and looks down at you and smiles at you as you rest your head on his back. "The stars are pretty tonight."

"They are not as pretty as your eyes" you murmur.

"What was that? I didn't catch it." He says teasingly.

"Nothing, Iggy." You reach up, peck his cheek, and skip away just as he was about to kiss yours in return.

"Hey!! You stole that kiss from me!" he whined.

You stuck your tongue out at him.

He put his hands on his hips and said, "You know, it's not very nice to steal things from people."

You giggle. You loved this side of him, and the fact that he only let select few people see it made it even more adorable than you already though it was.

' "And for that... I will get you!!" he ran over and chased you around the yard until he caught you. When he did he kissed you.

~Time Skip: brough to you by: How everything Magically Originated in South Korea according to Im Yong Soo~

England x Neko! ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now