The Kitty Toy

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You return home and see that everything is untouched. Flying Mint Bunny and Flying Ocean Bunny were still annoying you. Whenever you talked to them people looked at you funny, so you decided to ignore them. They really didn't shut up did they?

You take one of the five bottles of aspirin out of the Walgreens bag. You walk up the stairs to Iggy's room and slowly open the door, seeing he is still sleeping. You quickly grab the book (Favorite Book) and sit in the chair across the room from England's bed.

~Le Time Skip; Brought to You by China's Panda~

An hour later you hear Arthur groan. From your peripheral vision you see him reach for his head. You sigh, walking over to England.

He looks up at you with a pained expression. You take out two pills from the bottle in your hand and hand them to him along with the cup of tea from the tea tray you left him before you left.

He mumbled something that sounded like, "Thank you, Kitten." But you weren't quite sure.

The rest of the morning went like this: Iggy would be thirsty or hungry and you would bring him food or tea. Then he would have to go to the bathroom so you had to help him to the bathroom. Then he would go back to sleep after taking two pills. Then wake up and the cycle would repeat again.

By 3:00 p.m. he was walking around by himself, but he was still having a major hangover.

~Le Time Skip; Brought to You By: America's Favorite beer ud Light~

You wake up in the chair in Iggy's room. You stretch and you feel a tug on your tail. It hurt. "MEEOOWW!!" you cry.

"Oh, gosh!! I am so sorry, Love" you hear a tired British voice say. You look behind you to see England curled up on the floor holding onto your tail.

You sigh. "It's fine, Iggy. Just let go would you??" you say, annoyed.

He let go and you start walking downstairs, England slowly following. He offered to make breakfast, but you made up an excuse. You make cereal. Nothing special. You sit down with Iggy and when you are done eating you wash your bowls and spoons.

You turn around to see England staring at your ears. "Everything okay?! Do I have something caught in my fur?!" you say, worried. The two of you walk and sit on the couch in the living room.

"No it's just... can I.... can I pet your ears?" he asked shyly.

He had never touched you before. Other than yesterday morning and when you met him that first night he had never touched you, not even brushing your hand. To him he thought it was improper. You figured that e had probably wanted to touch your ears for a while.

You nod, hesitantly.

He reaches over and lightly scratches your ear. A purr escapes from your chest. You have not purred before, you then realize. Your head shoots up, too. he chuckles and you look down startled and blushing.

He continues to scratch your ears until you are asleep with your head in his lap.

He laughs. 'She is so cute!!' He thinks.

"Did you get her to be your girlfriend yet?!" comes a loud Italian voice from the doorway.

You slowly open your eyes and stretch out.

"Italy!!!" a gruff, German voice calls. "Get out here right now! Vhat have I told you about going into people's homes vizout knocking?!?!"

Italy ran out the door.

"What was that about," you ask.

"It was nothing, I promise."


You sit in silence until England breaks it. "(Your Name)..." he says. 'Uh oh,' you think. 'something's up. He only calls me by my name when something's up.'


"I... I love you... I understand if you don't feel the same, but I have liked you for a long time. And I just wanted you to kno-"

You cut him off with a kiss. You feel him smile through the kiss.

"Of course I love you, Iggy." You say after you catch your breath.

"Oh! I have a gift for you!" he says suddenly.

You wonder what it s this time. Sometimes he gets you balls or yarn. He pulls out a little box attached to a slightly bigger box. "Open the little box first." He says excitedly.

You open the smaller box to find two identical couple rings. You hug him with all of you might and start purring. You liked purring. You hadn't purred in so long.

You pull away and slip one of the rings on his finger and the other on yours. Then you open the bigger box to find a small ball made of sticks with a little bell on the inside and a feather sticking out of the back of it.

You smile at Arthur.

He picks up the balls, shakes it to get your attention, and throws it across the room. You chase after it happily and bat at it.

You continue the rest of the day in peace.

A/N: Sorry this chapter is so short!! I was thinking about making another two chapters at the most. Just to have the wedding and then when you have kids. If you want me to make those tell me in the comments J

Remember I do take requests for anime and Kpop. So comment on my profile and I will get it made

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Luv you all~


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