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"Mommy! Get up! Get up!" you hear your triplets chime as they jump all over your bed giving you hugs and kisses to wake you up.

You open your eyes. "Hmmmmmmm...... What day is it Adam? I can't seem to recall?" you ask the only male- kitten/neko of the three children.

"It's Christmas mommy don't you remember?" asked Alexandria.

You sit up and wink to your husband in the doorway when you spot Finland standing not so far behind him, dressed in his work attire.

"OH! How could I forget?!" you stand up out of the bed. "Come along kids, Daddy has a special surprise for you~!"

You walk the children down the stairs to living room, where the Christmas tree had been placed, also where the two men had retreated, and watched happily as the three ran down the steps to see their father.

Then Finland walked into the room, in his Santa outfit of course, with the other Nordics, and said hello to the kids.

"Uncle Matthias~~" cried Autumn (She is the girl who spends a lot of time with her uncle, Matthias, but she still loves you and England a lot!). Autumn was the runt of the group; she was also the only one that had your eyes. She had Arthur's hair as well, while the other two vice versa.

Everyone sat down and the kids opened their presents.

Autumn was first, because she was last born. (By several minutes if you were wondering) The first one she opened was a bunch of stuffed dogs (because she had taken a great liking to dogs, strangely enough considering she is a Neko). The second, a small, children's size drum set, because she liked to bang on things and make beats.

Then it was Alexandria's turn, because she was second born. The first on she opened was a small, heart-shaped locket, with a picture of her and her father in it (because she was the daddy's girl). The second was a small six stringed guitar, because she wanted one ever since she saw a One Direction concert on television.

Last, but not least, it was Adam's turn, because he was first born. His first gift was a pocket watch, which he immediately ran over to you to show you (He was the mommy's boy). The second was a small microphone type thing. It wasn't a real microphone, but it echoed his voice out of the small toy. ( Because he sings all the time.

After breakfast Iggy gave you a small box, with the same font, ribbon color, pattern deisgn, etc. as your wedding. You looked at him confused. He gestured for you to open it.

You opened it and found a locket, and the same Union Jack boxers you had worn when you first met England. You opened the locket and saw a picture of you and England when he had proposed to you. It was most likely taken by America or something, because you later found that a bunch of the other countries had been hiding on the bushes all of that day.

You smiled and hugged England as quickly as you could. The boxers part, you knew, the both of you would joke about for as long as the two of you stayed by each other's side.

You pulled England over to his small notebook, hidden in the drawer by the refrigerator. You pull it out and then pull out a pen. Iggy never EVER let you touch this book. You flip through all of his recipes, and soon realize just exactly WHY his food tasted horrible. You had to change things like "1 tablespoon of salt" to "1 teaspoon of salt" and so on and so forth. Then you handed him the notebook and said, "Now I trust dinner in the hands of you, babe."

He looked at you shocked, then looked through his notebook. "It's not much, but it effects me greatly, I love you ____"

"I love you too, Iggy."

Then everyone came into the kitchen and dragged you both to the park.

A/N: sorry for the short chapter! And~~~ the long time for me to update! Hope you liked it! I know this chapter was lame, but if you guys want me to make other stories, then make your requests in the comments~! Hope you guys enjoyed~

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