Chapter 1

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"Ze! The parts I ordered last week just came in for the Mercedes. You're all good!" Mark yells down at me over the booming music. I look left, but all I can see are his scuffed boots, so roll out from under the car. The music cuts off as I do, he must have switched it off. 

"Ah sweet. This baby will be done by tomorrow then." I grin, giving the hood a pat.

"How do you hear over that music? One of these days you'll go deaf you know." He gives me a pointed look as he throws me a cloth to wipe my hands.

"It's not that loud, maybe you're getting old." I chuckle. 

He scowls, "Not yet sweetheart."

"The boss say I can go yet?" 

Mark nods, I'm scram, offering a small wave goodbye to the guy and send a wink the Boss' way when I pass his office. Mark and the boss are nice, I don't really talk to my other colleagues. A lot of them are assholes. I work at a motor shop, spend six days a week, nine 'till five fixing cars, bikes- almost anything with an engine and wheels. 

Not that I'm not happy with my job, but I was relieved to finish early today. the summer heat in a stuffy garage is no joke. I tear open my overalls and shimmy out, throwing them into my locker before going to my car. 

As soon as I slide in and key the ignition, I sigh as the air conditioning kicks in, Sweet-mother that feels good, and peel out onto the road.

Where too? 

First stop was the convenience store- or maybe take out? My stomach grumbled. Well then, take out it is.

My name is Azize Rivera, but people call me Ze. Im an abiding citizen of the law since I was released from prison six years ago. Long story short, my parents were crack addicts. I fought, stole and vandalised property-learned to never get caught, couldn't afford to get caught, 'cause on the few occasions I had, paps would beat my ass 'till I saw red and blue lights. 

Yeah, I was a street rat. Wasn't so bad, but then my stupid ass made a mistake-probably the best mistake of my life...

Whilst I was in the slam I met someone who made me want more out of life, gave me motivation. So I studied and got myself a qualification in engineering-the one thing my paps would be proud of. He loved cars.

Anyway, when I got out, I used it to find a job; starting with two part-times, until I had enough money for an apartment. Then finally settled at 'Kev's Motors' full time. 

I pull up at the Chinese shop, the food should be ready since I called ahead. The bell at the entrance jingles when I step through. A few minutes later Mindy, a girl that works here, comes out from the kitchen and waves me over. I smile in greeting as we exchange food and payment, I'm a regular so she knows my order.

When I walk back out, I notice a group of men in suits walking around. You know when people are try to blend in? Well it's the opposite. They aren't from round here, too over dressed and-is that a gun? So not subtle. I ignore them as they pass me.

Ten minutes later I'm home. I bolt the front door (too many brake-ins on this block) and switch on the television. It immediately switches to some commercial; Apparently, 'you have not lived until you try Mow Chow crunchy bar'

Falling into my tattered sofa, I kick off my boots and dig in to my sweet and sour chicken. I know, not healthy, but I deserve it after a long day.

Bang bang bang! I freeze at the pounding against my front door. Bang! I'm pretty sure I know who it is. "For fucks sake."

Swinging the door open I shove him away from me. Not expecting it, the bozo stumble's back. "What do you want Rick?" I growl.

His beady eyes glare down at me, and I try not to look at him else I might puke; the smell of sweat and alcohol already make me want to. I mean, does this guy ever change his shirt? I swear thats the exact same beer stain on his vest as last week. "Where's my rent?"

I sigh, "I'll give it to you tomorrow. That's when I get payed."

"I want my money now. Hand it over." His eyes dip to my cleavage and before I can reply, he adds, "If you don't have it, then I'll take payment another way." Hands slip around my waiste and grab at my ass, even gives a squeeze.

That's it.

I hear a solid crunch as my fist connects with his nose. Rick doubles over and I take the opportunity to knee him in the gut before pushing him onto the floor to kick him, again, again and what the hell- one more time- again. 

Looking down both ends of the hallway, I see it's all clear and stand up, straightening myself out. "I said-I'll pay you-tomorrow. The next time you come looking for 'early' payment, I'll kill you." With that I step back in the apartment and slam the door, redoing the locks. 

Ugh. I need a bath. 

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