Chapter 3

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"You know when you're reminded of things you don't wanna remember?"

"Yeah, I know."

Nine years earlier:


The sound of the gavel hitting the sound block echoes through the court. To me it sounds too much like a gunshot. "Azize Rivera, you are sentenced to 4 years at the California state prison - Los Angeles, on the account of voluntary manslaughter and resisting arrest. Dismissed."

I keep my head down. Fatigue is setting in and I can't bring myself to care anymore. 

I'm okay. That's all that matters.

I don't count how long it takes for them to transport and process me, but when I snap out of my daze I'm in blue overalls in a hall swarming with inmates. It's a doghouse.

Every woman that I pass, sizes me up. New meat. One chick gets too close, taunting me with some shit 'bout how I'm gonna be cryin' real soon. My best bet would be to start a brawl, before I ended up somebody's bitch. 

I do just that. 

I sucker punch her as hard as I can, I don't have much muscle. She recovers quick but I'm ready for it; kick her leg, punch left side, punch right, elbow dow- My head smacks against the floor. I feel one of my teeth chip from impact and spit blood. The guards have me nailed. 

I turned my head as best I could to see the other chick, with a bloody nose, being restrained also, and screaming like a banshee. The rest of the inmates are yelling, laughing- I don't know, there's a shit load of noise. 

They haul me up and drag me away, two guards hold each of my arms, not caring when I trip over my own feet. Everything's a blur, but one face stands out. At the edge of the crowd, blonde hair and steel blue eyes.
A cold glare follows me.

His stare is like a laser, I can feel it from behind the diner menu. The feeling doesn't leave, only intensifies. It's pissing me off.

"You gonna order something or not kid?" I peeked over the menu to see him glance down at his own menu in hesitation, "If you don't hurry up and pick, I'll do it for you." I gave him a few for moments before waving the waiter over.

"What can I get you?" Giving me her best customer smile. I try not to cringe. 

"I want a full breakfast with extra toast and a coffee on the side." The kid shrugs when I give him a pointed look, "He'll have the same but with hash browns and extra bacon, orange juice not coffee. Keep the change." and hand her a twenty. She nods, jotting it down on her mini note pad, before walking away.

Looking out the window, I check to see the car was fine. No one would bother steal a ride like mine anyway, but you never know. We left LA yesterday days ago. I'd spent the day before packing my entire life into a duffel bag. I know, sad right? Everything I own fits into one bag and a purse. Had to call the boss as well to tell him I had to leave town for a couple weeks, family emergency. Luckily I'd finished most of the repairs I'd started, and mark would be fine taking over. I drove all day and all night, until I finally tired and saw this diner. The kid was still asleep when I did, so I caught some shut eye as well.

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