Chapter 7

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Please tell me what you think and enjoy. Also, forgive any mistakes made, story will be edited once I've finished it. 
Pick of Maxwell LOL! :)


Riot was not a happy camper.

In fact, he was pissed. At what? He couldn't tell. Maybe it was the child sitting away from him, fidgeting uncomfortably. Perhaps, it was the unconscious woman tied in the chair. Or maybe, it was that, after all these years, history had a way of fucking him over.

He had always been careful- yet here he was, stuck in this mess. Well, not really. From the looks of it, the woman had taken the brunt of his mistakes.

Taking another chug of beer, Riot eyed the unconscious woman, gaze dancing over her figure. Small, delicate feet; long, toned legs, with a slender waist that accentuated her bust. Her caramel skin, was marred with shallow cuts and dark bruises.

It was clear to any and everyone, she had protected the boy with passion. And it was now that Riot felt a ting of regret, for hitting her with the gun. In no way did it help the healing of her black eye and swollen cheek. Something was wrong with her arm too, whilst they'd interrogated her, to check if she was a rat, she had constantly shrugged her shoulder, as if trying to shrug off an irritating sensation, grimacing in pain every time.

What was her name again? He looked down at the papers resting on the table beside him. Azize, that was it. And the kid...

Who the fuck names a kid Chiko?

The boy had yet to reveal who his biological mother was, but he knew that, whoever it was, was definitely doped up on something when it came to naming the boy. God damn, eleven years- what the hell had he been doing for eleven years? A lot, definitely a lot- that he would rather not mention.

Grghl. Chiko's stomach rumbled loudly, but it seemed the child hadn't noticed. He was watching intently as the doctor- whom had arrived only a few minutes ago- examined Azize' unconscious form.

For the record, Riot didn't knock her out or anything, he didn't lay a finger on her after that. She fell asleep by herself. If she wasn't so bruised, he was sure she'd have had bags under her eyes. Echo said she'd slept in the car as well.

Digging into his pocket, Riot pulled out an energy bar and chucked it at the kid, "Heads up." Shocked, the boy fumbled as he caught it, looking up at Riot with question and Riot nodded in response.

Just like he had munched on the cheese puffs, Chiko tore into the bar with gusto. Riot took this as a chance to question him, "How'd she get so beat up?"

Nom nom nom nom- "Got into a fight, then some cop was chasing us-cop shot her and we crashed in the river, she forgot to wear shoes too. And she drives like a fruitcake." He explained, as if it were the most boring story in the world, before shovelling his face with the rest of the bar.

"Right..." Riot muttered, "And where's your mum?"

Munch munch- "Here," Chiko swallowed the last bite, "She's right there." And pointed at Azize.

"No, I mean-"

"She, is my mother." Chiko interrupted, tone adamant. Riot didn't reply, not when he heard the boy mutter, "She just doesn't remember."

The kid would talk at some point, but Riot knew, patience was not his virtue.

This was good at least- her, in a way. It meant she just might be able to handle his lifestyle. She didn't look like the type who could handle too much violence, and maybe she wouldn't like it, but at least he knew she wouldn't freak about it. If she was going to stay with him and the kid, she'd have to get used to a little action once in awhile. Despite his early reaction, Riot had every intention of taking on the role of a parent. He never wanted kids, but he'd promised, if ever he conceived... the child would not have to struggle like he had. "Hey Doc, you almost done?"

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