Chapter 10

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"Woman! Open your eyes!"

Blink. The sun hits me like a fuckin' lazer. Air hits me like dry ice, burning through my lungs with every struggle for breath. My back is killing me - in fact everything hurts right now, from the root of my hair down to my damn toes. Goddamn!

Looks like I was wrong. 

Bang! Bang! 

Bullets spray over my head, and some land around me, only to ricoshei off the ground.

"Can you stand?" A voice growled out

I can't make out the silhouette standing over me, but what I can make out are arms the size of fuckin' tree trunks reaching down towards me with outstretched hands - it's a guy, definitely a guy.

Oh wait no, one arm, just one, I'm really dizzy. The other arm is outstretched, their shooting at something.

"We gotta go! Move it!" Another voice.

His arm slides beneath my lower back, hand moving up and up until fingers grip my neck hard. When he starts pulling up, I hear my spine crackle, shocking me out of my daze. Tensing my legs I force my body to balance as I'm smoothly lifted, up and up. The sunlight soon shines down revealing my handler. Riot.

His expression is blank, calm even, glinting green eyes the only remnant of the rage I saw before; and his lips curled into a sneer. Im looking into his emerald eyes, he's looking past me, something else. I try to turn my head despite the ache, to see what he sees. The fingers around my neck grip harder, and his arm pressed against my back pushes me forward. He doesn't want me to look.

"What?" I murmur, "What is it?" he doesn't reply and walks backwards with long strides, forcing me along with him.

We pass the burning car, and even though we're far from it I can still feel the heat of the flames against my skin. Echo is walking to the other car, a woman in his arms, blonde hair swaying with his every step. Juliet. You know, there's something familiar about her... I just can't put my finger on it.


"Chiko." Where is he, I can't see him.

Riot keeps firing over my shoulder. "Get it the car."

"Where's Chiko?" Worry builds, is he ok?

His eyes narrow, intent on the sight before him.

"Chiko!" Worry escalates to panic. I glance around, searching, searching...

"Hex get in the fuckin' car!"


What did he call me?

I'm shoved against the passenger door and before I can push off, to find my kid, hands grab at my waist and haul me into the car. He's not in the car either! I scramble clumsily to the other side, leaning over Juliet's unconscious form, and search through the window; past the flames and the flailing bystanders, I spot him.

"You let him get taken." It comes out as barely a whisper, my voice raspy.

He doesn't go easy. They have to practically throw him into their car, a black Avalon. The sight burns my eyes.

"You let him go!" I seethe. The car starts moving, I twist around and using every ounce of strength I have, I push forward, slamming my fist into riots cheek.

The car swerves, echo lets go of the steering wheel with one hand, grabbing my head and thwacks it against the back of Riot's seat. "Calm the fuck down. Their not going anywhere."

Clutching my bruised nose I gasp in pain, but I breathe through it, cause I'm pretty sure - I swear, he just said they weren't gonna get away; but... the car had already driven off and we weren't even going in the right direction.

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