Chapter 5

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I don't know how they do it.


I don't know how they do it! Walking so confidently down the street when you got everyone and their uncle staring as you walk by.
An old lady gives me a disgusted glare as I limp past, tugging Chiko along. 

Yeah yeah, keep walkin' grandma. For fucks sake. 

Chiko's fine, he's happily licking his ice-cream. No one is giving him weird looks, and I can't help but feel jealous. The worst he's gotten is pity, for being stuck with me

Listen, I know I'm not wearing the most respectable clothing, and it doesn't help that I'm soaked, shoeless and more than a little beat up; but jeez people, show a woman some goddamned respect! At least my shorts cover my fucking ass.

For the tenth time i wipe away my damp hair that clings to my neck. "Kid, keep up." He trots along behind me. 

"Thanks for the ice-cream."

"Don't mention it," I mutter. My stomach grumbles.

"Do you want some?" 


"Don't your feet hurt?" Now the kid wants to be talkative, what happened to sweet silence?


"Doesn't your arm hurt?"

Ah, now that he makes me think of it again, the pain starts edging in. Damn it- change the subject kid, "No." I answer.

"Have you ever been shot before?"


"Mum was, but she was high." His voice turns somber.


"What are you looking for?"

I grit my teeth, "Looking for any place that might know where to find this guy."

"Can't we sleep first?"

"You can sleep when we find him."

"Why do we have to find him, why can't I just stay with you."

I spin round, "Because you're not mine. Okay?" I start walking again, shifting the duffel bag with my good arm.

"Yeah but-" 

I spin around to him again, and bend down so I'm eye level, "You are not my kid. I am not your mum. Your mum is dead. I'm too young for kids. I have no money. You're not my responsibility. But you know who is?" I ask with a dramatic amount of sarcasm. "The guy who couldn't wrap it up. I'm droppin' you to him and leaving. Got it?" Now we're both angry and sulking, and I don't know why.

All I've ever wanted is a simple life, and sure I had that for a few years, but fuck, I want it even more so now; and this kid...this kid is ruining that for me. I know that if I stay with him, my life will be over and goddamn it I want to be selfish. For once, let me be selfish! 

But you'll miss him and you know it.

I don't care!


I growl.

The next road we turn onto I see a bar, a fancy one. I'm getting desperate and the sun is gonna start setting soon. The cops might be looking for me. I hobble up to the entrance, snapping at Chiko to keep up. There are no bouncers.

Cool, soothing marble greets my stinging feet as I step inside. It's dark and only certain areas are lit by blue and red lighting. It's half empty and I see three separate stages with poles. Strip club. "Stick close." I mutter. 

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