Chapter 1

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Ever notice how in high school, there's just something about being first?

Like, that girl who's always first to raise her hand. Or the guy who's always the first to have every new, cutting-edge Apple product.. or the kid who owns every new style of shoes. There's just so much pressure to be a trendsetter, a pioneer...

Well, not for Dallon.

Dallon Weekes was just like any other average comic-book geek: more than content to fly under the radar, and leave the trailblazing to the others. After all, of the many firsts his peers were vying for, one still remained conspicuously up for grabs. Never in the history of North Gateway High had any student admitted out loud to being an honest-to-goodness, card-carrying, proud (or even slightly modest) homosexual... Including Dallon and his best friend, Brendon.


"Alright, alright.. elaborate. How will being the first out kid at this school make you instantly popular and virtually famous?" Dallon asked.

"It's simple. All the magazine writers and TV hosts agree.. the new trend sweeping through high schools worldwide is the GBF." Brendon answered his best friend, holding up a magazine printed with bright neon colors and pictures of people who were way too attractive to be real.

"A GBF?" Sarah asked, flipping her black dyed hair over her shoulder as she leaned closer to get a better look at the article.

"A gay best friend." Brendon said, gesturing to himself in a rather flamboyant manner. "Every celeb has one, so every teen girl needs one. And pretty soon, I'll have all three prom queen candidates practically busting down my door, battling it out for my attention."


Three powerful cliques controlled North Gateway High, and the queen bitch from each ruled the school from nearly every direction.

Caprice Winters dominated as queen of drama, all three kinds of choir, and the school's loose network of minority students.

Then there was 'Shley Osgoode, short for "Ashley," which was about as edgy as she got. With her perpetually sunny Mormon disposition, 'Shley ruled all wearers of shiny gold crosses, and goody-two-shoes.

But neither could hold a candle to Fawcett Brooks. By far the hottest girl in school, and empress of the rich and popular; Fawcett loved fads and hated fatties. Her trademark golden tresses had won her 'best hair' three years in a row, an unprecedented achievement... because you're supposed to be a senior to win.

Like neighboring warlords in a third-world country, they maintained an uneasy balance of power; friendly but always vigilant of anything that could upset the truce and create all-out social warfare.


"So, I'm thinking prom. Just for maximum effect. That way, no matter who wins king and queen, the only person anyone will remember is me! The well-dressed, cute boy who can sing, who came out in front of everyone at prom." Brendon explained as they walked out of the school.

"Why not just send out a mass text and be done with it? Like, 'FYI, I like guys. Now let's never speak of this again!'?" Dallon suggested.

"Dallon, you can not come out over text. That is so gay." Brendon said, rolling his eyes at his tall friend.

"Well, you can count me out. Or, I guess.. in. In the closet. Where I'll be staying." Dallon said.

"Ugh. How early 2000s of you. I mean, Pete is more likely to come out than you, and he's our local vagina enthusiast." Brendon said. Damn straight. Literally.

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