Chapter 4

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That weekend, Dallon figured out that if he was going to accept the protection of the 'in' crowd, then he had some catching up to do. His texts-per-minute average was subpar, and he had about two hundred unacceptable tagged photos on Facebook.

"Ugh, detag."

"Fat face! Detag."

"Ew! Detag, and block that bitch!"

He was having a hard time keeping up with all the comments the girls were making. Sure, he knew what they meant, but.. it all just happened so fast. One second he was holding one outfit, and the next, the entire store was in his arms.

It was like a full makeover montage moment, and all Dallon could think about was how much Brendon would have been living for every moment of it. Brendon was super into this stuff; the whole fashion-obsessed part of being gay must have skipped over Dallon and gone straight to Brendon.

He sat on the chair in the dressing room as Caprice waited outside, his skin-tight purple jeans almost cutting off his circulation as he pulled his phone out an opened Brendon's contact, typing up a text.

Hey dude, miss you. Sorry about what happened.

He sighed and backspaced all of it, running his fingers through his hair and putting his phone down. He stood up and checked himself in the mirror, honestly sort of liking the sparkly and colorful looks that Caprice had picked out. He opened the door and stepped out so Caprice could see.

"Yes, you look great!" She exclaimed, smiling and shoving another bundle of clothes into his arms for him to try.

This process was repeated with the two other girls as well, with slightly different styles of clothing. Fawcett's were more expensive and classy, Ashley's were all khakis and bowties, and Caprice's were all flashy and sparkly things. He couldn't say he entirely hated any of them, honestly. They all looked pretty good.


"So, any of you guys speak to Dickwad.. I mean, Dallon.. this weekend?" Brendon asked Pete and Sarah as they sat together on the same bench inside the lobby that they always did.

"No, actually, I called him like fifty times and no answer. You two really need to work it out." Sarah said. "I mean, it's like-"

"Uh, ladies?" Pete said, cutting her off and nodding in the direction of the hallway.

They looked up and watched as the three musketeers of bitchiness walked through the lobby, now with a new member. Dallon.

He was sporting a new haircut; short on the sides and long on the top. He had on a black and gray dress shirt with a bright bowtie, and skin tight purple jeans. And sunglasses. Inside.

"Oh my god, he united them. I can't belive this." Brendon said as the clique walked through.

"I can't believe how tight his pants are." Sarah said. "And is he wearing bronzer?"

"He really is tall, dark and handsome now." Pete said.

Brendon made sort of a strangled noise and covered his face with his hands.


Before, Dallon could move though the school unnoticed, invisible.

But as the GBF? He was basically bulletproof. And they view of Topher, Ashley's hot Mormon boyfriend, wasn't too bad either. For once, he was actually enjoying the spotlight.


Sarah and Pete sat on the couch in Brendon's room while the small boy lied on his bed with messy hair and pajamas on, and depressing emo music playing.

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