Chapter 7

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"Thanks, all of you, for helping to keep our prom gayness-free. So, I'm thinking, activity-wise, how about a promise-ring booth?" MacKenzie said, smiling at the group of 'old-fashioned prom' activists sitting with her.

"So charming. Love it." Ashley said.  "Promise rings for prom. Cute."

"I've got a little bit of a different plan, all right?" Caprice said, smirking. "Listen up, ladies. Dallon and Fawcett are poaching all the cool kids for their little pansy prom. If we don't act quick, we won't have enough people for a halfway-decent hokey pokey. What we need to do is start prom-oting prom. You feel me?"

The others expressed their approval and Brendon clapped.


"Don't you think this might be a bit over-the-top, Brendon?" Caprice asked, looking at the hand made poster Brendon had just finished hanging in the hall.

"I'm just fighting flamers with flame." Brendon said, letting his eyes wander over all of the sassy slogans that he'd hung all over the school with the help of the others. Although they were all signs about not being gay, and it was extremely hypocritical of him, he couldn't help but feel proud. Fuck you, Dallon. Both figuratively, and literally.



Brendon spun around in the supply closet where he'd just finished putting away the extra paint. "Oh, my god!" He gasped, coming face to face with Topher.

"Relax, dude." Topher said, a charming smile on his face. "I just wanted to tell you how much I admire your passion. You're really... organized. I mean, when I heard about Dallon going to prom With that other dude, I was totally grossed out, too."

"Right, bro?" Brendon forced, trying to seem nonchalant. "I mean, like, two dudes, like... Ugh! Ugh. Gross."

"Yeah. So, um, do you want to feel how straight I am?" Topher asked, leaving forward and grabbing a hold of Brendon's hand and pressing it to the crotch of his pants.

"Come again... Whoa. Is this actually happening, or is this a dream? Because I just changed my sheets yesterday." Brendon said.

"No, it's real, bro." Topher said, smirking at Brendon and leaning in.

"Oh, my god..." Brendon said, letting Topher kiss him. "Wait. Wait. How did you know? I mean, did Dallon tell you? That I'm gay?"

"No, dude, I figured it out myself. Tanner won't even look at me since I tried to get with him." Topher said, pressing their lips together again. And causing Brendon to moan softly.

"Wait. What am I doing? No, no way, no. I cannot have Dallon's rejected sloppy seconds. I have too much self-respect." Brendon said, pulling away and straightening his clothes. "Now, if you'll excuse me, I have some anti-gay prom posters to finish." He walked out of the closet (literally) and left Topher alone.

"So close. God damn it!" Topher said, only to gasp at his own words. "I am so sorry, God."


"Prom is short for promenade, not prom-n-aids." Dallon read. "No one but Brendon could come up with a pun that simultaneously lame and offensive." He said, looking away from the poster and towards Sarah.

"I told you... He has officially lost it."


"What the shit were you thinking?!" Mr. Crowe yelled at the group of students crammed in his office. "This language is unacceptable!"

"Principal Crowe, as a devout Mormon, I think the signs are all totally true and appropriate." MacKenzie said, earning nods from Brendon, Caprice and Topher.

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