Chapter 6

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Dallon woke up face to face with Brendon. Who, he had to admit, looked really cute with his eyes shut and little snores coming from his slightly parted lips. But he didn't have time to think about it too much before he panicked, shaking Brendon's shoulder until the smaller boy woke up, and upon realizing their position, sat straight up in the bed.

"Wait." Brendon said, lifting the covers to see he was only in his underwear. "What? Oh, my god, no, no."

"Did we...? We didn't, right?" Dallon said, his eyes wide. It would really suck if he lost his virginity and didn't even remember it.

"You don't know?" Brendon asked, looking equally as shocked.

"Do you?" Dallon asked.

"No, no, no, no, we... we came in, and we... we just... we were drunk. We passed out, I think." Brendon said, squinting his eyes as he tried to remember, and also as he tried not to stare at Dallon who was wearing only underwear as well.

"Right. That sounds right." Dallon said, sighing in relief.

"Yeah." Brendon sighed.

Then there was a knock at the bedroom door.

"Closet! Now!" Dallon said, shoving Brendon's small body in the direction of the closet, where he could hide.

"Seriously?" Brendon protested, and Dallon only shoved him again. This time the shorter boy obeyed and stepped inside, closing the door behind himself.

"Honey, what was that?" Shannon asked as she opened the door.

"Nothing. I'm just cleaning up in here." Dallon assured quickly, casting a nervous glance at the closet.

"Yeah, it does smell kind of...musky in here." Shannon said, and Dallon's eyes widened. "So, I've got bubbling cinnabons in the microwave, and some chocolate milk for you."

"Super. I'll be right there." Dallon said, and Shannon smiled at him before leaving, shutting the door behind her. Dallon jumped up, going to the closet to let Brendon out.

"Thanks for that." Brendon muttered, his eyebrows furrowed, looking mad.

"I'm sorry. I'm just not ready." Dallon said desperately as Brendon gathered up his clothes and shoes.

"I don't even know what I'm doing here." The smaller boy growled, bundling his pants and shoes up in his arms and walking to Dallon's bedroom door.

"Wait!" Dallon said before he opened the door to leave.

"What?" Brendon said, turning around.

"Could you, uh, just ...go that way?" Dallon asked quietly, gesturing towards the window.

"So, first you want to put me back in the closet, and now you want me to jump out your window?" Brendon smarted.

"Yes?" Dallon said.

"Real nice, Dallon." Brendon snorted as he shoved Dallon's blinds up and opened the window, dropping his things out of it.

"I'll make it up to you. I swear." Dallon promised, a desperate look on his face as he took a step towards Brendon.

"Yeah, whatever. It's fine. I get it." Brendon said, climbing through the window and dropping down into the recycling bin outside. He climbed out and grabbed his clothes, sliding his pants on before walking in the direction of his house and leaving Dallon to sigh unhappily.

The next Monday, Dallon swore he still couldn't shake the hangover, or what happened between himself and Brendon. What was he thinking?

"Hey, Dallio." Caprice said as she walked up from behind Dallon. "Amazing news. Christian's willing to forget about your projectile vomit and general 'schwastedness' this weekend. He's still willing to go to the prom with you."

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