Chapter 3

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It was a total dick move, and Dallon immediately regretted it, but it was too late. Like Lex Luthor and Clark Kent or Professor X and Magneto, Brendon and Dallon went from best friends to archenemies in a matter of seconds.

Dallon wiped his face and hoped he didn't look like he'd been crying, before opening the door to his house and walking up the stairs, doing his best to ignore his dad and stepmom who were on the couch.

Unfortunately, he wasn't so lucky. "Hi, Dallon. How was school today, Honey?" Shannon asked, smiling.

"Uh, hi Shannon, Dad.. it was uneventful. Lacking events. Why, you didn't hear anything did you?" Dallon answered.

"No, what would we have heard?" Dallon's dad asked.

"Nothing, of course because of the whole.. nothing, thing.." Dallon said.

"Well, I made some Popsicles, they're in the freezer, if you're hungry." Shannon said.

"Ooh, I hope you made them extra thick and fruity, just the way Dallon likes them!" Dallon's dad said.

"What?" Dallon exclaimed. "Uh, I mean.. right. Thanks for.. freezing juice on a stick for me, Shannon. But I'm good." He hurried up to his bedroom.


The next day, Dallon tried to keep an even lower profile than usual. But his power to go unnoticed had been completely neutralized with the new public discovery of his sexuality.

"Hey, remember me?" Sarah asked, walking up to Dallon as he made his way into the school building.

"Oh hey, Sarah.. uh, sorry I haven't texted slash called you but I've just been really overwhelmed with what's been going on." Dallon explained.

"Yeah, yeah.. look, I know you're pissed at Brendon, and honestly I would be too, but.. what he did was an accident. What you did with his mom-"

"Woah, okay." Dallon inturrupted. "Of all people, I never expected you to take his side. He outed me to the entire school. And plus, his mom already knew."

"But it wasn't your place to confirm it." Sarah insisted, a sharp edge to her voice that Dallon only heard when she was extremely annoyed.

"You know what, Sarah? I have bigger things to worry about than Brendon's psycho mama-drama!" Dallon said, turning away and walking through the courtyard.

"Well, hey, there, Dweekes!" Hamilton was suddenly shoving Dallon into the brick wall. Dallon's height was no match for the quarterback's muscles. "You know, I used to think you were a little fag. I didn't realize you were actually a full-fledged homo!"

"That doesn't even.. make sense." Dallon managed, his eyes wide.

"Oh, yeah?" Hamilton said, getting amused looks from his football friends. "Oh, yeah? You calling me stupid? You calling me stupid and gay?"

"Hamilton, take your hands off him." Fawcett appeared, an annoyed look on her face.

"Back off, babe. We're history, Which means you don't tell me what to do anymore." Hamilton said, his hands still holding Dallon to the wall as he looked at Fawcett.

"History... now, that's an appropriate word, because that's what your sex life is gonna be if you don't leave him alone. After all, I know things..." Fawcett said, and held up her pinky finger. "Tiny, little, pinky-sized details. Touch him again, and you won't be able to get as much as a half-ass handjob from some flag-twirling color guard skank."

"Bitch, you wouldn't dare." Hamilton said, his eyes narrowing.

"Try me."

Hamilton let Dallon go with a frustrated sound, and stomped off with his friends.

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