Chapter 5

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"I know you and Dallon had a falling out, but you're taking it kind of literally." Sarah said, sitting criss-cross on Brendon's couch.

"Yeah, well, my life is over. So, thanks." The boy said.

"Oh, come on, man. I mean, you still got the two of us." Pete offered, smiling.

"For about 10 minutes. I never RSVP-ed to a nonstop pity party." Sarah smarted, rolling her eyes.

"So, I'm bound to eternity in Loserland with you two. Great." Brendon complained.

"That's a little harsh." Pete said.

"And here I thought we were all doing pretty okay, but I guess we aren't sparkly enough, or have enough synthetic hair extensions for you." Sarah said, raising her voice a little.

"Oh, my god, Sarah. You know what I meant." Brendon tried, but he knew it was probably too late.

"No. You know what? Why don't we take a few days apart, maybe without a couple losers like us hanging around, you'll ascend to your proper social station. Just be careful, though, because we might not be here to bandage you up next time you fall." Sarah said, standing up.  "Come on, Pete." She said, and he stood up and followed her out.

"Sarah!" Brendon cried.

"Um, yeah. Take it easy, bro." Pete mumbled before leaving the room.

"Pete. Come on. We were gonna watch The Voice." Brendon said, but was left to sigh sadly once both of his friends had gone.


As the wheels seemed to be coming off Dallon's old friend group, the next day, he was third-wheeling it. Mormon-style.

"Wow, this is a whole lot of meat, 'Shley." Dallon said, looking at the table full of literally nothing but chicken, ham, sausage and steak.

"Well, that's what you like, isn't it? Meat." Topher said, sending a suggestive smile Dallon's way that had the lanky boy squirming awkwardly.

"Huh?" Dallon said lamely, as Topher put another sausage on his plate.

"No carbs! I remembered." Ashley said with a smile.

"Oh, right. Uh, mmm, meats with... sides of meats. Um, may I use the restroom?"

"Yeah, right around the corner." Ashley said. Dallon stood and hurried to the bathroom, glancing at himself in the mirror before walking to the toilet. Just as he was unzipping his pants though, there was Ashley, opening the door.

"Whoa! What are you doing?!" He exclaimed, zipping his pants back up and turning to face the girl who was now sitting on the counter top.

"Girl-talk time. So, what do you think?" She said, a cute little smile on her cute face.

"Think about what?" He asked.

"Topher! Do you think he's bored with our relationship? I feel like he's bored." Ashley said.

"Um, I don't know." Dallon said, and he didn't. He'd never been in a relationship.

"I'm worried because we don't, you know... so I need some tips." She said.

"Tips?" Dallon asked, looking confused.

"You gays are supposed to be experts in man pleasing. So, spill." She said.


"Do you think I should give him a BJ?" She went on.

"A what?!"

"Or an HJ? Or how about an RJ?" She continued, looking thoughtful.

"Uh... I don't even know What an RJ could possibly be." Dallon said.

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