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"Dallon, I've told you a million times to stop pushing my seat all the way back so your long ass legs can have room!" Brendon said as he hoped into the front seat of his (fairly new) car. Dallon just laughed and got into the passenger seat.

"Not my fault you can barely reach the pedals, short stuff." He teased, earning a scathing look from Brendon.

"Fuck you." Brendon said.

"Pretty sure you've crossed that one off your bucket list, babe." Dallon said.

"I will turn this car around." Brendon joked as he drove to Fawcett's house. The three of them were going shopping. Maybe it was stereotypical, but they didn't really care because let's face it; without Fawcett and Brendon's help, Dallon would dress like shit.

"I really love you." Dallon said out of nowhere as they pulled into Fawcett's driveway, looking at Brendon.

"And I love you." Brendon said, leaning across the console to kiss Dallon's forehead before he opened the door and got out, walking with Brendon up to Fawcett's door.

"Heyy!" She exclaimed as she opened the door. "You two ready?"

Brendon nodded excitedly, his fingers entertwined with Dallon's. They walked back to the car, and Fawcett gladly rode in the back seat.

Brendon and Dallon were completely comfortable with being together, even at school. The whole 'gay is bad' thing was sort of made history, and it sort of just turned into no one giving a fuck. So they held hands in the hallway and maybe they got a few dirty looks (mostly from MacKenzie) but they didn't care. Because they loved each other, and they had an even bigger group of more diverse friends than before.

Brendon did the school play with Caprice, and they hung out with Fawcett on a regular basis. And with Ashley and Pete being together, that meant that they saw a lot of the redhead as well. Even Sarah didn't mind hanging around the three, once she realized they were actually kinda cool. And she ended up taking Melanie on a date.

So it was pretty much your basic high school happy ending. Everything was good. And the fact that the three goddesses of the school had stepped down, meant that everything was way more chill around the halls of North Gateway.

"I love you, Dal."

"I love you too, Bren."

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