Chapter 2

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Sarah stood quietly smoking a cigarette in the bathroom stall when Melanie and her posse walked in, chattering up a storm. Usually Sarah didn't eavesdrop, but she couldn't help but overhear their conversation.

"Okay, somewhere in this school, there is an undercover gay using this app to hookup with other undercover gays. We have to find him, for the sake of the GSA!" Melanie chirped, and the other girls with her agreed.

"Now, we've all set up out fake accounts, right?" She asked, and her friends all gave an affirmative answer. "Great! Let the manhunt begin!"

"Shit!" Sarah mumbled as they left, and she pulled out her phone to call Dallon and warn him.


Dallon was doing his best to pay attention in biology, taking notes and watching the teacher draw on the board. However, when his phone vibrated in his pocket, he finally had an excuse to be distracted. He tried pulling it out sneakily, but before he even got the chance to see who was calling him, Mr. Receding Hairline yelled his name from the front of the classroom.

"Dallon! Hand it over. You'll get it back at the end of the day."

Dallon sighed and handed the phone to his teacher, who put it in his desk drawer.


When the school day finally ended, Dallon made the trudge back to his biology class, where his phone sat waiting.

He was intercepted, however, by Brendon, Pete, and Sarah.

"Dallon, quick! Give me your phone!"

"Jeez, Brendon, you're obsessed with that stupid app!" Dallon said, exasperated.

"No, you don't get it." Sarah said. "Melanie and her pussy posse are using grindr to track gay guys at the school!"

"Oh my god Mr. Smith took my phone in second period, it's still logged on!" Dallon said. He turned to Brendon and grabbed the boy's arm, pulling him towards the stairs. "I am not taking the fall for this! Time for the big, dramatic coming out you've always wanted!"

"W-wait, no, no, no.. no, I- prom is months away, this isn't how I planned it.." Brendon pleaded as Dallon dragged him in the direction of Mr. Smith's room.


"The signal is coming from this room!"  Melanie said, pushing open Mr. Smith's door to reveal a class of a few students who were still packing their things, and a confused looking teacher at the front of the room.

"From.. the front of the room." The group of girls followed the signal on the phone to Mr. Smith's desk.

"Mr. Smith? But.. you're married to a woman! And these are clearly not your hairless abs. False advertising."


Dallon hardly noticed when Brendon slipped from his grasp as they turned the corner. He was to intent on getting his phone back, he didn't even hear Sarah trying to talk him out of bursting into the classroom before he had already thrown the door open, yelling Mr. Smith's name.

"This is your phone!" The teacher said, and the group of girls at the front of the room, along with the others in the class, turned to look at Dallon.

"So.. you're the secret gay! But, you're not even that fabulous." Melanie said, squinting her eyes at Dallon.

"I- I.. I guess I am. Not fabulous, I mean, but.. gay. Yeah, uh, I'm gay, I.. guess." Dallon stammered, intimidated by all of the eyes (one pair being 'Shley's) that were focused on him.

"Oh, yay! We got one! Our very own homosexual!" Melanie and her friends cheered. "Tweet this right now! Put it on you story!"

The girls all posted things to their various social media accounts as everyone stood kind of shocked; Dallon most of all.


Dallon did his best to ignore all the looks he was receiving as he left the school building. People looking at their phones and then pointing to him, people giggling.

"What are you looking at, fag-off?"

Dallon was suddenly face to face with Hamilton Smith, the quarterback of the football team, and his group of beefed up bozos.

"What, are you.. what are checking out my.. balls? What, are you checking out my balls?" Hamilton said, an angry look on his face.

Dallon's confused expression only angered the quarterback more, and he shoved the taller boy, just as Melanie came came around the corner, followed by Sarah.

"Wait! Leave him alone, he's my friend!" Melanie said.

"Oh, fuck off, desperate psycho-bitch!" Sarah said, and Melanie looked taken aback.

"That was mean!" She gasped, as Sarah rolled her eyes, and soon they were arguing, and everyone was loud and laughing... 


He couldn't belive it. He'd been so careful for seventeen years! He'd learned to clean the browser history when he was eleven! And one stupid slip-up, had cost him everything.

And he had one person to thank.

Dallon pounded on Brendon's front door, angry tears in his eyes.

The door opened slowly, revealing a nervous looking Brendon. "Hey, gurl, hey..." he said, hesitantly. 

"Hey? Is that all you have to say for yourself?" Dallon spat.

"I- I'm sorry, it all happened so fast, I, I freaked, and-"

"You were the one who wanted to come out!" Dallon yelled, not caring who heard. "I can't believe you let me take the fall!"

"Shh.. please." Brendon said, casting a nervous look inside his home, in the direction of his mother. He spoke quietly, "Maybe you can turn this around, say it was just a big joke-"

"I can't 'no homo' this, Brendon!" Dallon exclaimed. "I'm basically a dead man, and what gets me? Is you're the Queeny one! The least you could do is come out too, and take your share of the daily beatings!"

"I can't." Brendon said. Dallon scoffed.

"It would be pathetic, like I'm copying you!" Brendon explained.

"You know what?" Dallon spat. "I blame myself. All I ever do is go with the flow, your flow 99% of the time."

"Oh, please, Dallon. We both know you love being the sidekick."

"Oh. So, I'm the sidekick? Wow." Dallon cried, ignoring Brendon's mom, who had appeared behind Brendon in the doorway. "Well, at least now I realize all you care about is yourself, you self-absorbed, gutless little faggot!"

"Dallon Weekes!" Ms. Urie exclaimed.

"Christ, Dallon, I said I'm sorry!" Brendon whispered, tears in his own eyes as well now.

"Sorry, Ms. Urie. But I'm allowed to use that word, seeing as how I am one..." Dallon said. "Just like your son."

He ignored the look on Ms. Urie's face, her features softening.

"Dallon, you had no right." Brendon muttered.

"Oh, what do you care? You know she knows." Dallon said, spinning around and heading in the direction of his house, turning his back on Brendon.

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