"I'm Fine"

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"What happened?" her mother gasped as Sofia came through the backdoor with a bloody nose. She looked up to see Liam, Danielle, Harry, and Niall sitting at her kitchen table. She rushed past her mother to the sink, grabbing a towel to try and stop the blood rushing from her nose.

"Sofia tried a risky move to try and get me down," her father said, a small smile playing on his face, "She ended up cracking her face on the ground. But it was one hell of a move."

"Let me see," Liam said gently, reaching for the towel. Sofia allowed him to remove the towel from her face to look. There was a small bruise forming, but it didn't look broken, much to Liam's relief. Liam traced her nose with his finger, causing Sofia to stumble back in pain. Liam grabbed her gently, holding her in place as he looked closer at her nose, shaking his head.

"I don't think it's broken, but it's gonna hurt for a few days, you got a small bruise forming," Liam said, gently placing the towel back on her face, and guiding her over to sit. Sofia grunted in response as she held the towel to her face, trying to ignore the blood on her hands and the pain.

"Geoff, this is ridiculous," her mother spat out, "She is a child. And she's got a bloody nose from you!"

"It's not from me," her father growled, "It's from the ground... and she's not a child, she's sixteen!"

"She's a sixteen year old girl! That's a child! She's a kid Geoff! Not a punching bag!" her mother cried out, throwing her hands in the air in frustration.

"Don't yell at me," her father growled at her mother, stepping up to her mother, "She's not a kid, she's almost an adult and she's got to learn. Besides, it's not broken, it'll heal. And she did pretty good today, she almost got me down. And she was willing to do anything to get me down, that's progress Karen! Today was a good day!"

"She's got a bloody nose!" her mother snapped, before turning to Sofia, who was staring at the table, trying to ignore all the stares and the yelling. She hated making her mother upset, but she didn't want to disappoint her father either, so she just stayed out of it usually, letting them argue it out amongst themselves. Sometimes her mother would win, and her father would back off for a few days, but most of the time, he won and her mother was forced to stay quiet.

Her mother used her fingers to lift Sofia's chin up so she could see her face. Sofia saw the sadness and anxiety wash over her mother's face, and it made her panic. She didn't want her mother to be upset over this, she was fine, it was just her nose.

"You look so tired," her mother said sadly.

"That's because she is," Liam said, looking at their father, finally speaking up, "She needs to sleep. She needs to rest."

"No time for sleep, or to rest, we have another job tonight, and I need her," her father said. Sofia remained quiet, as she squeezed the towel against her nose a little bit tighter, going back to staring at the table.

"Geoff, this is insane," her mother spat, "She's worked 6 or 7 nights in a row. Can't you get someone else to work tonight?"

"Yes, we can," Liam said, shaking his head in frustration, "Dad, we can get someone else for tonight. Between her wrist and her nose, and she's worn out"

"Why don't we let Sofia decide? She's right here isn't she?" her father asked, looking down at her, "Are you worn out, Sofia? Am I wearing you out? Making you too tired?"

It was a question, but he didn't want the honest answer. He was challenging her, again. There was a teasing in his voice, one that was coaxing her to prove them all wrong, to prove that she was stronger then they thought. He wanted her prove to them that she could do this. She could see it in his eyes, he was challenging her and he expected her to meet his challenge.

"Geoff, stop it!" her mother hissed, putting her hand on his arm, "Look at her! She's hurt! She's tired!"

"Mum, stop," Sofia said, finally speaking and standing up, "I'm okay, look, it's stopped bleeding..." She showed her mother her nose, which didn't give her much comfort.

"Sofia, you're face is bruising," her mother said soft and sad.

"Mum, really, I'm fine," Sofia said, shrugging, brushing it off like it was no big deal, "I've had worse, besides the nose wasn't even dads fault, it was mine."

"See?" her father said with a bright smile, "She's fine! I told you, Karen. This girl is tough, don't underestimate her."

"I'm not –"

"Okay," her father said, interrupting her mother, "You got another job in you Sofia? Or are you too tired?"

He was looking down at her, expecting her to meet his next challenge.
There was a smile playing on her face, so far today she had pleased him, she had stepped up to everyone of his challenges. So far, she hadn't let him down.

She honestly didn't know if she had one more job in her. She didn't know if she could do it. Her body was tired, her mind was tired. Her wrist hurt, her face hurt, her body hurt. But, she couldn't let him down, not with him smiling at her like that.

"Of course I've got it in me," she said quietly.

Liam let out a loud groan, shaking his head, and flopping back down in his chair, Danielle leaning over to whisper something in his ear. Her mother also shook her head, turning back to the stove. Niall and Harry didn't react much, just staring at her as though she were crazy.

"That's my girl!" he cried out happily, "Follow me, Sofia. Liam, get ahold of Zayn, Louis, and Jay. Tell them to get here. You can all meet me in my office in 15 minutes."

Sofia followed her father out of the kitchen, after throwing the bloody towel in the trash. She followed him through the dining and living room, into his office. As he walked around to his desk, she sat in the chair in front of him, waiting to be briefed on the job she would be doing tonight.

"Sofia," her father said seriously, causing her to look up, "I know it seems like I'm harder on you then I am on anyone else."

"It doesn't seem like that dad," Sofia said, her eyebrows raised, "You are harder on me."

"I am," her father agreed, "I won't apologize for it either. This is a man's world, Sofia. And you need to be prepared for it. I know other girls your age are finding boys and trying to fall in love, and thinking about happily ever after, but that isn't in the cards for you, you know that right?"

"Yes," Sofia said, swallowing hard.

"Emotions and feelings will make you weak, Sofia. And you can't afford to be weak. You have to keep your head in the game, and do what you need to do to survive and to win. Nothing else matters, right?"

"Right," Sofia agreed.

"I'm tough on you because I know that you have potential and you could be great. You've got natural instincts and you don't let bullshit feelings get in your way like Liam does. You have to stay like this, kid. It's the only way to get on top and stay there. Do you understand me?"

"Yes, I understand," Sofia said, quietly, but staring her father right in the eye.

"Look, people like us, people who can get power and be great, sometimes we aren't always liked or understood, but it doesn't matter, none of that matters, Sofia. Pride matters. Being great matters. Keeping up with what generations before us have created matters. Don't let anything change the path your on, Sof. This is your blood, it's your destiny."

"I got it, dad," Sofia said, with a small unsure smile, "You don't have to worry about me."

"I know I don't," her father said, nodding, "I know you'll do anything to make me proud."


"You're late," Isaac said, as Sofia walked up to the school building, "And you look terrible."

"Thanks Isaac," Sofia said, rolling her eyes. She looked up the steps and saw Katie and Emily there, waiting by the door. When they saw Sofia they quickly moved inside, not waiting for her to catch up. Sofia sighed deeply, putting her face in her hands, trying to rub the tired from her eyes.

"What's with them?" Isaac asked, looking at Sofia.

"It's ... a long a story," Sofia said, her voice quiet and tired.

"Long weekend?" Isaac asked

"Long life," Sofia quipped back.

"Come on," he said, taking her hand, "Let's skip morning classes, go to the bleachers and hang. Maybe you can get a nap in, you look fucking exhausted."

"I worked 3 jobs this weekend, this is 7 in a row," Sofia said following him, "And after the job last night, I was up all night trying to finish all my school work."

"And the wrist?" Isaac said, pointing at the wrist, and then looking up at her face, "And your face?"

"The wrist happened on a job," Sofia said, "My face happened because I got hurt on the job, and my dad felt the need to train me."

"Ouch," Isaac said, "That's the worst."

Isaac understood Sofia. They may be from different gangs, and they might be enemies on the streets, but he got her. He was a younger siblings, who was trying to please his father too. He worked jobs, and was torn down and beat up, all in the hopes of making him stronger. He had come in with bruises and exhaustion before. This wasn't the first time they took care of each other, it wasn't the first time Isaac understood something she was going through.

As they climbed the bleachers, Sofia could feel the exhaustion in her legs. She had been running late this morning, and it was either breakfast or a run. With her father's eyes narrowed on her, she knew her only option was a run. She could feel the ache in her legs, and her arms, and her back. She ached everywhere. She could feel the exhaustion from the overworking and the lack of sleep. But, she ignored it. This was making her strong, this was making her great.

"So is it true?" Isaac asked as he sat on top of the bleachers, and she sat next to him.

"Is what true?" Sofia asked

"You shut down the rave? You shut down Jake?" Isaac asked, looking over at her, eyebrows raised.

"I don't know if we shut down the rave," Sofia said, shrugging, "But we certainly shut down the drug supplier."

"Unblievable," Isaac said, "That's a huge job. How did you even manage to do that?"

"I have my tricks," Sofia said with a smirk, "And I don't plan on giving them away." Isaac laughed, shaking his head.

"You want to tell me what happened with Em and Kate?" Isaac asked, glancing at her.

"Not really," Sofia mumbled, "They'll come around."

"What did you do?"

"Why do you assume I did something?" Sofia spat out, glaring at him. Isaac rasied his eyebrows, as if trying to say are you kidding me?

"They just don't get it," Sofia said, standing up, "They don't get how much pressure it is to get a job done. I can't fucking be their friend when I'm on a job! I can't fucking give a shit about them when I'm trying to get something done!"

"Whoa, okay," Isaac said, watching her carefully, surprised by her outburst, "Calm down, Sof!"

"They just don't understand what it takes to be great," Sofia hissed, as she paced. Isaac watched carefully as her legs began to shake slightly, "I have what it takes, they just need to stop babying me or trying to get in my way!"

Isaac sat up straighter when he noticed the sweat beads on her face, and her eyes starting to glaze over. She was sick, or exhausted, or something, and she was working herself up.

"Sofia, sit down, take a few breaths," Isaac said carefully.

"I don't need a few breaths!" Sofia cried, "I need them to understand that I don't have a choice," her voice was starting to get weaker and her words were slurring together, casuing Isaac to stand up, "I have to pick the jobs over them. I have to –"

Isaac reached out for her, but it was too late, Sofia never finished her sentence and she didn't sit down. Her eyes rolled her the back of her head, and her body went limp, sending her flying down the bleachers.

"SOFIA!" Isaac screamed, jumping down after her, and rushing to her side. Her head was to the side, eyes closed, sweat running down her body, her body was shaking.

"SOFIA!" Isaac yelled, shaking her, "SOFIA! COME ON! WAKE UP!"

Sofia didn't respond, she didn't move. Isaac picked her up bridal style, and did the only thing he could do, he ran for help.


"Sofia, come on," a voice called her, she could feel coldness on her forhead, "Come on, open your eyes for me, love."

"Tell me what happened again," she heard a voice bark. Everything was so loud, it was hurting her head. Everything was too much, it was all too much.

"She was talking, and pacing, and she just went limp, man," Sofia heard someone explain. It sounded like Isaac. She could feel the coldness of a cloth, it was bringing her back into the moment. She could recognize the voices.

"She was shaking before she went limp, I tried to get her to sit," Isaac said.

Sofia's eyes fluttered open, and she was met with Danielle's relieved face.

"Oh thank God," Danielle said, using the cold compress to wipe Sofia's forhead. Sofia glanced around, she was in Liam's apartment.

"Try and stay with us this time, okay?" Danielle said, "Keep your eyes open. Can you talk?"

"Is she alright?" Liam barked, coming up from behind Danielle, causing Sofia more confusion.

"What happened?" Sofia breathed, as she felt the pain in her head and her back.

"You passed out," Isaac said, coming to stand beside the couch, "You've been in and out of consciencness for the last half hour."

"You gave a real scare," Danielle said quietly, picking up a glass of water for Sofia to sip.

"WHAT HAPPENED?!" a voice barked, causing everyone to jump, "AND WHAT THE FUCK IS HE DOING HERE?!"

"Relax Zayn," Liam said, "He brought Sofia here. We're lucky he was with her."

"Sofia, baby," Zayn said, coming to the side of the couch, "Talk to me, are you okay? Someone tell me what happened!"

Sofia noticed Niall, Harry, and Louis standing in the living room too, she could hear Eleanor rustling in the kitchen, probably looking for something to help her.

"She passed out," Liam said, "I think from exhaustion."

"Fuck," Zayn mumbled, as Sofia tried to sit up on the couch.

"Don't try and sit up," Danielle said, pushing her back, "Just relax. Just relax and breathe. Did you eat today?"

"No, I was running late," Sofia said quietly, "I had to run."

"You ran today without eating?" Louis growled from behind them all, "What is the matter with you, Sofia?"

"Dad –"

"I don't want to hear what dad said," Liam barked, "Just stay quiet, and breathe, while we get you some food."

"Liam, relax," Danielle said gently, putting her hand on his shoulder, "You freaking out isn't going to help her."

"Look at her!" Liam spat out, "Look how fucked up she is! I told him
this would happen!"

"Stop it, Liam!" Harry barked, noticing Sofia was trying to sit up and protest, "Danielle's right, right now, it doesn't matter. We just gotta deal with what is."

"Zayn, sit her up, sit behind her," Eleanor said, as she held a bagel and some milk. Zayn slowly lifted Sofia, scooting in behind her, and holding her tight. Zayn kissed her shoulder.

"You'll alright," he whispered, "You'll be alright."

Eleanor handing Sofia the plate with the bagel on it, setting the milk beside her. Sofia leaned all her weight on Zayn's chest, her head falling to the side.

"Come on, babe," Eleanor said, "You have to eat."

"I'm gonna go," Isaac said quietly, "Feel better Sof, okay?" Sofia nodded to him.

"Thank you," she said quietly, and Isaac nodded back, before leaving the apartment.

"I'm calling dad," Liam barked, "You can stay here tonight, this is absolutely ridiculous."

"Liam, don't argue with him," Sofia said quietly, "It's not worth it."

"You don't think the condition you are in isn't worth an arguemant?" Liam snapped, "Sofia, look at you. You're been entirely overworked, this has gotten out of control. You're 16 years old and he needs to stop putting everything on you. We have other baiters, we can use them!"

Liam stormed from his living room, causing Sofia to groan, placing her head in her hands.

"Someone please go calm him dow," Sofia said, "I'm fine. I just need some sleep."

"You're not fine!" Harry snapped from across the room, as Danielle and Louis moving to go calm Liam down, "You rolled down a flight of bleachers because you passed out. That isn't fine. Now shut up and eat."

"Fuck you, Styles," Sofia hissed.

"Stop it," Zayn growled, "He's right. He's absolutely right. You aren't fine and you need to shut up and relax. Don't make this more difficult then it has to be. Now, let's get food in you, babe."


"I want to shower or bathe or something," Sofia said a little while later, "Everything aches."

She was still lying on Zayn, and she still felt weak and sick. She was tired, but thought the hot water running over her would help relieve some of the ache in her bones and muscles.

"Okay," Zayn said quietly, "I'll go with you. You shouldn't be alone right now."

Zayn gently pushed Sofia off of him, and she gripped the couch so he could slip out from under her. Zayn looked down at her, and hated what he saw. Sofia was a giant, she was larger then life. But, here and now she was so small, and tiny. He saw her bruises and her cuts, and the bags under her eyes. Zayn reached down, and Sofia wrapped her arms around his neck, as he lifted her bridal style and walked her to the bathroom.

Placing her on the toilet, Zayn knelt before her, pulling off her shoes.

"I can get undressed," Sofia said quietly.

"Just let me do this, okay?" Zayn said, his eyes desperate, "Let me take care of you." Sofia nodded, too tired to argue.

Zayn gently pulled off her stockings, before turning on the hot water in the shower. He pulled her gently off the toilet, unbuttoning her school uniform and pulling off her skirt. When she was in nothing but her underwear, Zayn removed his shirt and his pants, leaving his boxers on.

Sofia put her hand on his chest supporting herself as she removed her panties, and then she unclipped her bra. Stepping into the shower with Zayn's help, she felt the hot water fall on her. Zayn stepped in after her, leaving his boxers on.

"Suddenly modest?" Sofia asked

"I'm not in here to play, Sofia," Zayn growled, he got behind her, holding her steady. Sofia leaned back into him, his hands firmly on her waist, as her head fell onto his shoulder, facing up.

"I'm hurt, Zayn," Sofia said softly, her eyes closed.

"I know," he mumbled into her skin, she felt his hands travel up over her stomach, gently.

Zayn grabbed the bottle of soap and a wash cloth, somehow without letting go of Sofia. Gently he began to wash her back and her neck, the soap and Zayn's hand had a relaxing effect on her body. She allowed herself to let her muscles relax, and her guard to come down. The water still rushing over, she felt Zayn kneel down, and begin to wash her bottom and her legs. He was so gentle, it almost made Sofia want to cry. He was so good to her, and she just couldn't find it in herself to feel the same. Even when her guard came down, it never came all the way down, not even with Zayn.

She turned when Zayn's hands turned her, and she looked up into his amber eyes.

"You're beautiful," he said quietly, his voice barely reaching over the sound of the water. Sofia shook her head at him.

"I'm a terrible person, Zayn," Sofia said, looking up at him, "You know I'm no good for you."

"Don't say that," Zayn growled, as he began to wash her chest, and her stomach, his hands just as gentle. She leaned into her wrapping her arms around his waste.

"I don't know how to do this," Sofia mumbled, "I don't how to be good for you."

Zayn lifted his head, swallowing hard. His eyes searched hers, in this quiet, honest, moment. She wasn't acting, she was manipulating, she was just being Sofia, and she was just telling him how it was. Her voice quiet and unsure, mumbled against his skin.

"You'll get there, I know you will," Zayn said, his hand gently reaching her cheek. Sofia bit her lip, and rested her head against his shoulder, allowing him to take her into his arms. He wasn't going to give up on her, or give up on them, but she didn't even believe in them. She should just tell him to let go and move on, to go back to Perrie who was good to him, to find someone who could love him and take care of him. But she didn't, because even though she didn't know how to love him like he loved her, she needed him, and she was desperate not to loose him.

When their shower was done, Zayn and Sofia walked out into Liam's guest room.

"Get dressed, and get into bed," Zayn said, "I'll be right back."

He left her alone, drying off her wet skin and hair. She still felt so weak, and the shower had just put a greater emphasis on how many bruises were on her body. The hot water had felt so good against her skin, but now that it was over, Sofia felt weaker then ever.

"Shit, sorry," a voice mumbled, and Sofia looked up in nothing but her underwear to see Harry. She pulled on shorts, an amused smirk on her face.

"Zayn didn't want to leave you alone," Harry said, looking away, although he had already looked at her wet body up and down, and my god, was she beautiful, "I should've knocked."

"You're alright," Sofia said, as she pulled a shirt out of the drawer, "I'm sure I don't have anything you haven't seen before."

Harry let out a small laugh, allowing himself to look up her. She was leaning against the set of drawers, as she put her shirt on.

"You alright?" he asked, stepping into the room further.

"I still feel a bit unstable," Sofia answered honestly.

"You are a bit unstable," Harry said, with a smirk, making a joke. Sofia smiled and shrugged, as though agreeing.

"Falling down a set of bleachers makes you a bit unsteady for a bit," Harry said, "Let's get you into bed."

"LIAM LET ME SEE HER!" a voice boomed, causing Sofia to jump. Her father was here. Harry sighed, closing his eyes in frustration.

"How long has he been here?" Sofia asked

"A few minutes, let's get you into bed," Harry said, guiding her to the bed.

"YOU CAN'T GO BACK THERE," she heard Liam shout, "SHE NEEDS REST!"


Sofia moved towards the door but Harry stepped in front of her, blocking her way towards the fight.

"It's probably best if you stay here," Harry said. Sofia ignored him, walking around him, but he grabbed her firmly, "Don't, Sofia!"

"Get off me!" Sofia hissed, pushing him off of her, as she headed for the door. Making her way down the hallway she could hear the shouts of her brother and her father, and the cries of her mother, everyone else seemed to be talking at each other too. One big argument, all over her.

"Stop it," Sofia said, but her voice was too quiet and no one seemed to notice she was in the room. She wasn't worth Liam going that red in the face, or her father loosing her voice.

"Liam, if you don't move," her father growled, "I will beat the shit out of you right here in front of everyone!"

"You're gonna have to in order to get back there to her," Liam spat out, not backing down from his father. He was breaking major rules, and Sofia knew it. She looked at him, her eyes wide and fearful. She watched as her father raised his fist, ready to connect with Liam's face. Her mother cried out, as did Sofia.

"DON'T!" Sofia screeched, running and stepping in front of Liam, her father's fist connecting with her face instead, knocking her to the ground.

"SOFIA!" Liam cried out, reaching down for his sister.

"GOD DAMNIT SOFIA! WHY DID YOU STEP IN THE WAY!" her father shouted out her. Liam was helping her up off the floor, Sofia was out of breath, as the hit knocked it out of her.

"Don't yell at her Geoff," her mother cried out. Sofia held her face, as her brother wrapped his arms around her.

"Go back to bed, Sofia," he said quietly, "I got this. I promise."

"I'm not letting you do this for me," Sofia breathed out to him.

"Come on, Sofia," her father said, yanking her, "Let's go home!"

"She's not going with you!" Liam cried, yanking his sister back.

"You two have to stop pulling at her!" Niall snapped, stepping in and grabbing Sofia from them both, pushing her into Zayn's arm. Sofia felt so jerked around and torn.

"Sofia, you can stay here," Liam said, "You don't have to go with them. Stay here and rest."

"She can't stay here," her father barked, "You aren't in charge, Liam!"

"I don't care, dad!" Liam barked back, "She needs a break and she's not gonna get it with you!"

"STOP IT!" Sofia cried out, covering her face in distress. Everyone went quiet, and Sofia was grateful for just a second.

"You're an adult, Sofia," her father growled, "You can make your own decisions. So, I'll leave this up to you..."

"You leave everything up to her," Liam snapped.

"You can stay here and let Liam treat you like you're a child and your weak," her father said, "Or you can come with me, we'll rest you up, your mother will cook you something, you'll be good to go by tomorrow and working by Wednesday. Show them that they're wrong. Show them that this
was just an off day, and that you aren't as weak as they think you are."

It was another one of her father's challenges. It was another way of pushing her to be stronger. He wasn't really giving her a choice, he was giving her another way to step up and meet his expectations. Her mind was telling her to go with him, to please him. But her body was screaming at her to stay, to get better.

"They underestimate you, Sofia," her father said, "Liam, he underestimates you..."

"That's not true, Sofia," Liam said quietly, shaking his head at his father's manipulation, "You know that's not true."

Sofia felt like she didn't know what was true anymore. She was so confused as to what people wanted from her, and as to who she was. She felt weak and confused and jerked in all directions. She didn't know who was lying to her and who was telling the truth. She didn't know who really wanted her to be great, and who was underestimating her.

"Those are choices," her father spat out, no concern in his voice, no sympathy in his eyes, "Stay here and be weak or come with me and get strong."

She could feel Zayn's fingers digging into her skin, and she remembered back to how good he was to her. They had all been so good to her today, even after this weekend. They took care of her, they forgot everything that had happened, to take care of her. She looked at her father, and then to Liam. Liam seemed desperate, as though he were holding on to her for dear life. Sofia heard herself say the words, before she registered that she was saying them.

"I just need a few days, dad," Sofia said quietly, sighing. She watched as her father's eyes narrowed, and Liam sighed in relief. She felt her weight fall completely against Zayn, who kept her steady. She looked into her father's eyes and saw disappointment and anger. She had failed him, again.

"Maybe I was wrong about you," her father spat out cruelly before turning and storming out of the apartment. Sofia threw her head into her hands.

"He's just upset," her mother said gently, pulling Sofia's hands from her face, "he'll get over it, Sofia. I promise. Your father loves you."

Her mother was lying to her, she knew that. Her father wouldn't get over this, at least not for a long time. She wouldn't live down her choice to stay with Liam for a long time, she knew that.

"Take care of her, Li," her mother said quietly, and her brother nodded in agreement, relief filling every pore of his body. Sofia watched as her mother turned and left the apartment, leaving the boys with Sofia, Eleanor, and Danielle standing in silence.

"Are you okay?" Liam asked, stepping up to his sister, his eyes searching hers.

"I'm fine," Sofia said quietly, shrugging. As the words filled the room, everyone felt how fake they were. She was back to lying, she was back to acting. Sofia Payne was anything but fine.

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