ー bill denbrough X Reader

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Gym was the worst period. I hated gym. It was a mixed class, with boys and girls. the gym uniform was horrible , it was an ugly blue t-shirt and baggy shorts, for boys and girls. most of the girls wore they're own short shorts anyway, but I decided to stick to the dress code. 
"Today we're playing dodge ball," Our Phys Ed teacher yelled. "Boys on one side and girls on the other!"
It was as loud as a stampede and each kid was on there stomachs against the wall in about 10 seconds.
Our teacher blew the whistle and all kids but me and some boys on the other side ran into the middle. It was a bloodbath. I stood waiting to get hit and sit down.
This one nice girl from behind me yelled my name and threw me a ball. Right when I turned around to face the front, Bill Denbrough whipped the ball directly at my face. I put my hand to my cheek and walked to the changeroom. Bill ran from the other side of the gym into the changeroom as well.
"Idiot you can't go in there!" Someone yelled.
I was by the sink, grabbing paper tower to stop my nose bleed.

"Y/n I'm s-s-so sorry."  He said from behind, I didn't know he was there so I jumped.
"It's fine."
"I d-didn't mean t-to hit you, I'm sorry." He stepped closer and I turned to face him. He looked at me for second. Then grabbed paper towel himself, wet it and wiped blood off my cheek.
"Y-you m-missed a spot." He smiled, then walked out of the changeroom.

Even though my face hurt like hell, I couldn't help but feel my cheeks blush.

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